Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Power Wheelchair Wiring Diagram


12 and June 13, 2010, was held in Bogotá, the national assembly of lay members of the Consolata, is the first meeting that was held after the challenges in Brazil, we find the great Most members of the two lay community. was a day of prayer, work, training and integration, reflecting on the theme "LMC the Emmaus experience." The conclusion "The stay with us, Lord give us strength to continue on the path of the mission, iluminados por el Espíritu y con la protección de nuestra Madre Consolata.   Este encuentro da un primer y gran paso para unir esfuerzos, carismas y ministerios en la gran familia de los misioneros de la Consolata Colombia.      Fue un espacio también dedicado a la despedida de la familia misionera que vino desde Italia a nuestro país y que acompaño a una comunidad del Cauca, para nosotros fue una experiencia muy enriquecedora poder tener en medio de nosotros a la familia Parollini durante estos 3 años ensañándonos con su testimonio y compartiendo el proceso de los laicos misioneros en Europa.   Agradecemos a los padres y hermanas que nos acompañaron y apoyaron en el desarrollo de esta Asamblea y esperamos que sea el primero de muchos encuentros.  
Nos unimos a la comunidad de Argentina con la noticia que también estaremos presentes en el encuentro de Turín, próximamente daremos a conocer el nombre de las personas que asistirán en representación de nuestro país.
Participaremos también como laicos en el XI CONGRESO NACIONAL MISIONERO en Bogotá los que se realizará del 2 al 4 de julio.   El tema:   CON JESUS, POR EL CAMINO  Y EN LA MESA.   El objetivo: Vivir una experiencia de discipulado y conversión para fortalecer la misión de la Iglesia y desde Colombia en sus doscientos años de independencia.
 Fraternal saludo,
Nubia Gamboa

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Does Someone With Hiv Get Ill Often

TALLINN 2010 Iberoamerican Championship Silver FEDERATION OF COMBINED

San Fernando (Cádiz) is world famous for its "pescaito, its seafood and shrimp (the food and the other that of the island).

Fishing has been present in this land of marshes and always English athletes landed with their networks on Thursday prepared to capture the largest possible number of dams in the CIA - Ibero-American Championships in Athletics.

The organization of the CIA has been the level that it deserves a championship in this category. San Fernando has set the bar (the simile is like a glove) very high, and if within two years in Caracas, the organizers maintain the level is very likely that this tournament will become one of the important, and that athletics containing these countries has a very high level, although today some of the leading figures prefer to participate in other fights.


fills the mouth, saying things like "it's the thought that counts", but not always. On the negative side of the championship I note the great disaster we suffered with the set of outputs, speakers attached to the electronic blocks CONUN volume too low to prevent it from docking system that already proved its ineffectiveness during the Championship of Spain Track cover this year and has again failed in Cadiz resulting in colorful and surreal situations: the repetition of the series of fences, heptathlon, the attempt to disqualify athletes when they had not even moved (among these was Augustine), the late notice no output during the semifinal of the 200 when 100m athletes wore. tours and repetition of the final show of the same test, then teaching course for green cards to all the riders, the breakaway of the Brazilian in the final 100m.l. etc ... and among them that seemed most unlikely: in the first race of the championship, the first batch of 100 of deca, athletes came away with the sound of the speaker, but did not hear the warning output zero when they had traveled 40m. All finishes.
"What do we do now?" must have asked the judges, after pondering a moment so opted for a Solomonic decision as unfair ... "As there are aware, we give the race for good and holy Easter" ...
is known that the provision of green index cards that had the judges was substantial, and since they decided they should use ... Not if searching for some record, but I doubt that there were so many green cards in any other competition ... now that if, when it was the turn to the Bird, the card was green but showed no red. Too bad.

In our particular paragraph: mission accomplished. Combined first season Augustine, with ups and downs but with a medal, with the feeling that we will do better in coming and we're on the right track.

As the conquerors of old, we are left with the silver in Latin America.