Wednesday, July 7, 2010

2010 Ss Silverado 427


not know how many times have I heard that the decathlon is for athletes who do not excel in any field. It used to irritate me but and no, I know that, unfortunately, that comment does nothing but make clear the ignorance about this test. Last season
our decathletes managed, against all expectations, the achievement of promotion to the European Combined Events Super League, and I know that in everyone's mind, athletes and coaches, was achieving permanency this year. However, this 2010 was particularly infamous for our sector. Oscar, Joan, Alvaro and David have been caused by injury, leaving the team played and retention very difficult. And if all these casualties were not enough, fate had in store for us the hardest hit: In late April, Ismael Gonzalez, member of the team that won el ascenso en Zaragoza, se derrumbaba para siempre mientras entrenaba en Barberà, se apagaba ante nuestros ojos mientras luchaba para ganarse un puesto en el equipo. Sin lugar a dudas el 2010 ha sido el año más infame para nuestro decatlón. Sin embargo el decatlón es superación, te enseña a mirar adelante aunque la última prueba haya sido un fiasco, a levantarte la segunda jornada dispuesto a afrontar cinco pruebas más sin prestar atención al cansancio, aún a sabiendas que el objetivo esta ya demasiado lejos. Este espíritu se percibía en todos y cada uno de los miembros del equipo que viajó a Tallinn y no lo menoscabó la certeza de que el objetivo era imposible salvo desastre de los equipos rivales.
already in the group became a team. Jonathan Jordan participated in the Super League just weeks before attending the Junior World Championship in Canada. The converted Chema Peña and Javier Pérez Cup debut and accompanying Augustine Felix in an attempt to stay despite having emerged from a recent injury. The trip was complicated and was about to be on the ground. After an hour of increasing uncertainty through various desks of those of "Come back tomorrow" finally put the way to Estonia to hit so that they could not follow the poles. We reached the hotel just after 23h in the midst of an amazing night-day you have trouble sleeping more than usual, something let me know the team leader, Miguel Angel Millan, an exceptional person who sick of this long athletics and is still spreading that is put forward with his passion for the sport.
The first day of competition arose with the sun, nice weather with a wind but a nuisance. In this competition the athletes are divided into two groups so that two members of the team participate in the first hours and the other two in the second, about an hour later. Javier and Jonathan ran in the early hours with a headwind that bothered more than marking the anemometer. For when Augustine did Chema and the wind was gusting slightly favor and so again against the first group of jumpers. During the length Chema suffered from the injury but went ahead for the team. Nevertheless, the first three tests were within the proper limits. At the time that athletes from the first group faced considerable heights, the second group began the heating of the fourth test, under threatening clouds, which soon flood the zone download whipped. As the rain passed, the stadium staff took out a device with which dried the track until it is quite practicable in minutes. However, the competition was broken, and most paid athletes below expected. The first day ends with the four and here our men also had a mixed result, while Jonathan and Chema marked good records, Javier and especially Augustine left out a bunch of points. At the end of the first day we occupied the same since the beginning: eighth. Too many points and of permanence.
Sunday's competition was difficult, Chema went to the injury in the warm-up fences, the first test, and although the team's performance was slightly better than the first day, was far from what was needed. However, each team member completed a decathlon which was choked from the beginning, unencumbered by anxiety or losing your temper like French Frank Logel, who staged a wild and outrageous behavior after making three nulls in the pole test at its first level, behavior that continued even after being cautioned. On Sunday afternoon announcing the final result: Spain down next to Sweden. Finished the competition, the feeling was mixed. The athletes had a disappointment for not having also competed as they wanted, but there was some satisfaction at being able to continue when everything was against it. For having raised again.


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