Sunday, January 16, 2011

Rash On My Thigh With Smelly Discharge

Realms Painting 2. Museo del Prado Painting

The Museo Nacional del Prado is the second venue of the exhibition "Painting Realms" are going to visit.

not really agree with the trial castizo good writer and journalist Manuel Hidalgo that " parts of different artists displayed in the Prado is a grilled shrimp compared to the feast - these screens, Cristos, worship and Marriage, "offered by the Royal Palace ." a temporary headquarters in our first gallery exhibition will offer visitors, this morning working poor in January, first-class works of art. If I seem to exact their appreciation for the author highlights of the exhibition on Mexican Cristobal de Villalpando (1649-1714). We

piecemeal. At the headquarters of the Museo Nacional del Prado exhibit a smaller number of works, 36 versus 68 of the Royal Palace, but some of them are essential to contemplation.

This happens with those grouped under the theme "The mark of Rubens " whose monograph is developed in parallel in a nearby space. It is well known the influence which was called "prince of painters" in the production of the Madrid school (Rizi, Claudio Coello, Carreño), both in technique and subject matter, but is less well known that teachers had on New Spain as Jose Juarez, Baltasar de Echave Rioja and Cristobal de Villalpando, thanks to copies and prints of his works were circulated and

In the exhibition we can see some of the best tracks released by the Flemish master as the "Assumption" de Villalpando (Museo Regional de Guadalajara), the "Incredulity of Saint Thomas" by Sebastián López de Arteaga, the magnificent canvas of "The appearance of the Virgin to St. Francis, one of the best known works of Jose Juarez, but above all the extraordinary composition of" Lactation of St. Dominic " (bottom ) (Sacristy of the Church of Santo Domingo in Mexico City) that has both impressed and rightly Manuel Hidalgo. In this painting and writing Oscar Flores Ligia Flores Fernandez Flores " the composition scheme is similar to painting by Jose Juarez, however, the teacher showed his personal style, capturing the movement of figures through animated poses and incorporating dynamic brushwork looser technique and brilliant mind in the way of using light, space complexity, in the delicate and exquisite color and finish more expressive style of the figures " 2. painting really is a splendid, no doubt, the jewel of the exhibition .

The representation of the Immaculate Conception, was widely known in Spain as in America, because of the protection that gave the Kings their worship. This image of the Virgin as women in the exhibition are offered several examples, modeled on Hispanic iconography fingertips together leaving a gap between the palms. Of these, my favorite is the "Immaculate Conception " anonymous Quito in the last quarter of the seventeenth century that its base has grouped several heads of angels, one black, as the "angel of Machin", which have not able, sorry, Get Photo .

Since his canonization in 1622, the figure of Santa Teresa had great importance and fame in the Hispanic world to be widely represented. The exhibition shows several excellent pictures. One of Nicolas Rodriguez Juárez, " The Santa Teresa Transverberation " and an even better " Santa Teresa received the necklace and veil " (left) of our already well known and weighted Cristobal de Villalpando (Temple of San Felipe Neri in Town Mexico), without forgetting an unknown to me "Communion of St. Teresa " (below) John Martin Cabezalero of the Fundación Lázaro Galdeano. Cabezalero 81634-1673), a disciple of Carreño, is a little-known painter, for his little work. In Madrid the most important own, apart from this, are in the Prado Museum and the Chapel of the Third Order near San Francisco el Grande .

From the "holy to the human " all of which give off a certain "unholy stink " , Julian Gallego said, I prefer the anonymous Santa Ursula, depicted as Our Lady of Good Air although it does not match, even remotely, the same name by Zurbarán bellísma Museums of Strada Nuova in Milan that is also shown .

not we leave this memorable exhibition without admire John Correa screen on the front represents " The Four Seasons" and its reverse (as seen through the mirror) " liberal arts."

© Manuel Martínez Bargueño

January, 2011

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Thanks. Manuelblas.


1. Manuel Hidalgo. "Cristóbal de Villalpando ." Essential Gallery 185. El Mundo, December 10, 2010.

2. Flores and Oscar Flores Ligia Flores Fernandez. "The transmission of the models. The baroque." Exposiciçon Catalogue, p.70.


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