Friday, April 1, 2011

Gay Sleep His Girfriend

and disagreements

The combined IV-Murcia-Valencia Catalonia was to be held on 9 and 10 April in Cartagena, that's next week. Tuesday, March 31, the Valencian federation notified, via mail, it would not participate in the meeting. The meeting is not going to celebrate.

I think it was in 2006 when it first emerged the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a combined meeting for cadet and youth categories.

The reason was obvious. It is difficult for athletes in these categories are closer to this test combined with the lack of being organized. From RFEA promoted meetings among communities, both as a young cadet, with the intention of providing an incentive for young athletes to follow the sport. In these games are played all tests except ours. The idea was simple. We had to find a formula that would allow us to design a competition among communities for these categories with the lowest possible budget.

In 2007, the idea took shape. Each year a federation organized the meeting and would bear the costs of organizing the competition and lodging for two invited. Travel expenses are borne by the teams invited.

Murcia was launched in 2008 to organize. The meeting was a success at the competition and the athletes returned with a greater interest in this test.

held in 2009 in Catalonia. Specifically track Barberá del Vallés, track that train every day with my group. He was again an excellent example of what can make for young athletes a competition like this.

in 2010 was held in Valencia, and later career. More to maintain the commitment and because, given the lack of federation, the head of the Valencian community combined stood at attention on a personal level. The result was a combined off-season, but still maintained the illusion of athletes to the meeting, which one of the main objectives to promote the interest of young people into this test was satisfied.

Last January, Juan Alfonso opened talks with Valencia and Catalonia to arrange triangular in April. A good date to get an optimal competition and meet the objectives of the meeting. The two federations agreed.

The federation has spent the last months with great enthusiasm to get the necessary resources, and to address the event in a time when we all know that economic issues are very difficult. Murcia Federation has reserved 36 seats in the CAR from San Javier to accommodate participating teams. You must now CAR negotiate with the cancellation of the reservation, as well as the commitments made to companies and sponsors.

Valencian federation must have their reasons for not participating. Must be some unforeseen reasons, because otherwise, there would be warned in time to react, and we could avoid the disillusionment that have been both athletes and coaches involved.


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