Saturday, April 30, 2011

Medical Test Volunteers


Bib, bib, bib ...
- Already?

Bib, bib, bib ...
-Eight ... Is not it Saturday? Why do I have to get up at eight?
Bib bib bib
- The Relay Championship promotion Catalonia!

An hour and a half later came to Can Ski Llobet. Twelve
mandarin, eight boys and four girls, waiting anxiously for the day has come. Along with them their parents, so excited, if anything, like them, or as instructors and myself ...
know, all of which have the potential, but the thing is difficult. The dream podium. All three devices come with a record to dream ... in the run got the same result. The three were the third best mark of all participants.
First semifinal. 4x60 juvenile male. The athletes are very much involved, concentrated, I feel more nervous on the monitors in them. Is that yes they are nervous, but keep them under control. Changes have worked, they know they are ready. Rings and they run shot. Some change out worse than expected. Only those who have made a relay ever know how hard it is to wait for your partner pass by the mark to throw a run, see how close to full speed and you have to wait and wait ... and suddenly bang! To give everything! The team ranked second and gets the desired prize. A place in the desired end that keeps the dream alive.
Second semifinal. Most kids compete in 4x60, the youngest. Give everything but the nerves stuck legs slightly longer than expected. The result is as expected ... are eliminated.

Third semifinal. Time for the Benjamins. Some forget that one must take before taking the witness. Nevertheless, the final pass.
In the end the Both teams put everything they have, but the dream slips through your fingers ... Both teams finished fifth. Failed to reach the podium, though improving the brand and have competed better than ever. I see some disappointment on their faces ... the kids come back tears.

I watch, I'm happy. Would you have preferred to obtain the prize? Of course. But the sport is. Teach when you win and teach when you lose.

Now we must learn to stand up for improvement. I'm happy because I have not been defeated, I have seen desire to excel, desire to keep learning and get back here in the future and make it even better.

This year I volunteered to lead the coordination of school athletics, and I'm glad I did. As all charges, carries a responsibility, pros and cons, but days like today make it worthwhile. Today, these kids have given me
a dose of athletics at its purest. Enthusiasm, effort, work on victory and defeat.


They are our future.


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