Monday, May 23, 2011

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Salva Interview Interview with Daniel González Rodríguez

How and when it comes to your athletic life?
cadet, played football, but I am not convinced it was a lot of plug.
doubted between basketball, handball and athletics and I chose athletics.

Remember the first day he stepped on a track?
I trained in Sagunto, the track was in ashes and went to a polygon train until they finished the work.

Why combined tests?
I like all sports and what more looks like the combination.

What is, to date your best memory in athletics? Attending
world as a spectator to Berlin.

You have the rest of the interview:

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Extendable Bathroom Mirror In Gold

Daniel Rodriguez answered:

How and when it comes to your athletic life?
At 17 years, after having practiced many sports, but none with this level of involvement. Looking for a sport you can practice in Barberà and ran into the agony.

Why combined tests?
Why I like many different tests, and one of the things that I like is the body control, coordination, and I like the variety.

What is, to date your best memory in athletics?
There are several, jumping 6.55 in length during Combined Championship Indoor Catalonia 2008, which made almost half a meter mark. And the two appearances in the championship of Spain indoor absolute.

And the worst?
Whenever you know you are good and the combination does not work.

can find the full interview on his personal website:

Monday, May 16, 2011

Kates Playgroung, Having A Hot Shower

Cemetery Florida

The recent visit to Goya's frescoes in the Chapel of San Antonio de la Florida (see blog) has led me immediately afterwards, passing the railway bridge by an infamous, until one of the historically most interesting, curious and unknown of the Town: Florida Cemetery. I say interesting because there are poor people buried bones of 43 patriots killed by French troops of Murat on May 3, 1808; curious, being the oldest burial place in Madrid and I think will be unknown because few locals and outsiders who come there, not only because of the remoteness of the place but because only can be visited free of charge that if, during Saturdays and Sundays for the months of May and June.

looks like a splendid morning, I head to the gate to the cemetery, apparently closed, but immediately opened by the person responsible aware as soon notices the presence of visitors.

The crest of the fence is a shield with the legend "Good That Congregation. Two victims May 1808 "and under" Veterans Volunteer Militia ", signage that invites us to reconstruct the history of the place, with the help of those who know.

Luis Miguel Laporta account Aparisi 1 that " in ancient Burnt Mill Road, now Francisco and Jacinto Street Alcantara, was built in 1798, the cemetery of Florida, an initiative of the Royal House for its employees and family. " It's because this place of burial, which was under the tutelage of the church of San Antonio de la Florida, (depending on the Chapel Royal), the oldest left for Madrid as the second oldest, the current St. Cemetery Isidro (primitive Sacramental de San Pedro and San Andreas), 1811

In the early hours of 2 to 3 May 1808 and in the Principe Pio Mountains (More or less where it is today the base of the gondola), were "shot to the" patriots 2 unfortunate victims of the repression ordered by Joachim Murat, Duke of Berg. Their bodies were left unburied on the ground of sacrifice, from 3 until 12 May when a priest of the shrine of San Antonio, named Julián López Navarro, an uncle of one of the victims, picked them up several carts, the I have the temple and, after holding an office of the dead "buried in corpore" gave them burial in the cemetery near the Royal House employees.

The English curious, though we are not versed in history, we know These heroic deeds by the romantic story that makes Don Benito Perez Galdos in Episode National March 19 and May 2 "and much more for the famous painting by Goya" On May 3, 1808 in Madrid : the executions on Principe Pio Mountain "as reproduced as universally admired.

ecclesiastical jurisdiction In 1851 Bishop passes and the cemetery is closed 3 while ordering its preservation as a historic monument commemorating the victims of the Dos de Mayo. In 1868, before the "Glorious", Elizabeth II gave the cemetery to the Congregation of the Good That and Two Victims May and that at least two of the victims were brothers of the Congregation, an institution that preserved and cared for until 1917, when about to disappear this Congregation is transferred the management and care of the cemetery to the National Philanthropic Society Militiamen Veterans entity founded in 1839 for the relief of the national militia providing decent and Christian burial. It seems that the fact that one member of the Congregation Díez de Pinedo 4 , it was also facilitated such a transition Society

Since that time and the brackets of the civil war years, the Philanthropic Society has been busy to preserve the cemetery with their limited resources (and with the assistance of the City of Madrid, where necessary) and organize all the Dos de Mayo a memorial, with the assistance of the authorities in memory of these patriots, people of the village , who died defending the independence of the homeland against the invading 5 .

With this information in principle sufficient, to transfer the access gate and we rowed to a path between two rows of gaunt cypresses leads inevitably to the hermitage.

Before following the path laid out, we stop to contemplate, to the left on a wall at the entrance, a ceramic reproduction of Goya's famous painting done in 1982 by the artist, ceramist and Madrid Juan Manuel Sánchez Ríos (1944-2010) who was also president of the Philanthropic Society. Next to an inscription in stone "AL courage and heroism of a people. TRIBUTE TRIBUTE HOW WE PROUDLY dignify SPAIN. LOOR their heroes. MADRID EXCMO.AYUNTAMIENTO. CITY OF PRIME MINISTER'S MEETING. May 1982.

continue down the road, well landscaped with shrubs and flowers, to the entrance to the shrine, surrounded by a masonry wall Toledo Tackle, leaving behind a stone memorial column topped by an iron cross that warns us that this is sacred. At the entrance an inscription reads " Here lie the ashes of the victims shot in the Principe Pio Mountains ."

The historical part is the patio, which we access and that is the old cemetery in Florida. Here we receive and dispense a warm welcome the president of the Philanthropic Society, Jose Luis Sampedro Escolar, educated person, educated and friendly, "warns the moment," that from then on with us and illustrated with detailed explanations.

This court is, at least for me, the most emotional of the place. It is the burial site of the former, an ancient mass grave, on which there is placed a marble slab with this inscription: "IN THIS SAME SITE IN THE NIGHT OF MAY 3, 1808 was dug the pit to bury the VICTIMS GLORIOUS CEMETERY GUARD. Philanthropic Society militia battalions NATIONAL AND DEDICATE THIS WILL REMEMBER IN 1927 6. Around him wreaths still fresh testimony of the last offering

On another wall ceramic tile work Iruela Cruz, a professor at the School of Ceramics in Madrid (1974), reproduction of an earlier, 1927, reflects the scene of the burial box Vicente Palmaroli 81834-1896 ) "The exhumations ." This picture award at a National Exhibition was acquired by King Amadeo I of Savoy who donated to the City of Madrid where it is stored in the Hall Goya's House Villa 7.

The chapel is a small chapel built in the form of traditional porch and belfry, erected in 1960 by architect Vicente Baztán Perez, director of the Municipal Heritage on the trace of a very battered previous . In that year opened the mass grave in the yard and in individual cases of lead and zinc were deposited in one, the assumptions bones of the victims badly damaged by moisture and other remnants of clothing, footwear and other belongings.

We entered the chapel and crypt consists of ground. On the ground is a simple altar on which there is a book of signatures and the most notorious walls is a marble plaque in tribute to General Espartero that, in addition to ruling the kingdom, was, I guess because of his liberal convictions rooted " president and protector of society and national militia military veterans." The tablet is dated in 1917. On the wall of the staircase to the crypt is framed lithographs and the very general Dominguez Espartero.

For this staircase made in 2008 8 , descended to the crypt where are buried the remains of the Patriots behind a large modern stone on which the names of the twenty identified and the reference to fourteen other unnamed

Sampedro tells me that the "out" of prisoners was random. Both were able to "muskets" (run with a fusillade) to these and other cases, with one exception, the Gallego Francisco Davila, priest and chaplain of the Royal Convent of the Incarnation in Madrid, which could well be the figure with gray habit tonsured head Goya box, which was executed by direct order of Murat. History tells us that this priest, who had been imprisoned, caught the attention of Murat, who asked his captors about the involvement he had in the events of the day (May 2). To tell which had lashed the French troops armed with a sword, the marshal sentenced "He who kills iron to iron dies" and gave express orders of execution.

The names of some of those killed are unknown because in the book of burials of the then parish of San Antonio de la Florida is the following annotation: " the 12th of the month of May 1808 were buried in the cemetery of the Royal Parish of San Antonio de Padua Florida, 43 were found dead in a hole in the mountain called the Principe Pio: the same as the French were shot to day 3 of the month at four am, and at the time of the excavation were recognized the following persons: Manuel Antolin, D. Francisco Gallego and Davila, Juan Antonio Serapio, Sunday Brana, Rafael Canedo, Antonio Gamazo Maziar, Antonio Zambrano, Martin Ruicavado "accompanied by the following note in the margin:" English shot to the French. " The "Book of burials, which begins this year, 1799, fol. 8. Mat. Year 1808.

Recently, the historian and member of the Philanthropic Society, the aforementioned Luis Miguel Aparisi, managed to identify other ten of these heroes, based on the documents in the Archives de la Villa (records of family pension claims ) which had allowed to stories like the masons who worked on the restoration of the church of Santiago and bravely fought the invading troops.

In the majority of known victims identified their occupation or status and some aspects of their biographies. Their names appear on the stone and repeat for us not to tire the reader, you can also see in

At the same crypt buried another guest, Gen. Evaristo San Miguel (Cimadevilla 1785 - Madrid 1862), Council President Ministers from the August 5, 1822 to February 17, 1823, who led the National Militia during the heroic episode that starred against the royalist troops on July 7, 1822. His remains were moved from the cemetery from the Sacramental de la Almudena this site in the 80's funeral. The black marble headstone marks the final resting place of General was financed by the Principality of Asturias.

Starting the race, dismissed because of our friendly guide, I am struck by a tile on the wall of the brick wall dedicated "Virtue SISTER MARTHA 17?? -1824 Of the six hundred English soldiers Besançon tank. "I do not know this page, no doubt admirable, of our history that promise to investigate next, being grateful in advance to readers who provide the appropriate" track "or information.

already satisfied by the visit that we recommend to our readers (remember that the room is open only on Saturdays and Sundays May and June, 10 to 13 hours).

the other side of the wall in departure orientation to the Glorieta de San Antonio de la Florida, on a mound, there are some concrete blocks "in honor of Goya" pretty awful, but not both such as the Monument to the Discovery of America in the Plaza de Colón, also work the architect, sculptor, painter and professor Joaquin Vaquero Turcios (1933-2010), placed here in 1996 .

already reached the banks of the Manzanares, check, staring at the bridge of the Queen Victoria, which he has ceased to be the eternal apprentice river and that, conversely, torrential flows. The bridge was built between 1908-1909 to replace the missing Green Bridge, inaugurated by the Minister of Development, Gonzalez Besana, with the assistance of the Kings, deserves a curious observation. This is one of the first concrete bridge built in Spain, had in his time, and perhaps now as a masterpiece of engineering and architecture. Its authors were the engineer Dutaste Jose Eugenio Ribera (1864-1936) conceived as "the first builder modern public works in Spain " and the architect Julio Martínez-Zapata Rodríguez (1863-1950), regular contributors. The railing and the colorful lanterns are made of cast (Francisco Iglesias) and symbols are as rampant as the bears Madrid. I see far fashion has also arrived from the locks of love, as in other bridges in many other cities.

round off the trip had better take a pint of cider Avilesina (1.30 €) in a traditional setting of the remaining few, Casa Mingo, founded in 1888, possibly more cider oldest in Spain, run now by the fourth generation of the founder and local which retains the original decor castiza.

Manuel Martínez Bargueño
May, 2011

If you have interested in this entry and want to ask, comment or contribute something about it can leave a comment or write to my email Direction with confidence be promptly addressed.

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1. Luis Miguel Aparisi Laporta " Cemetery Florida." Madrileños Studies Institute, 2008.

2. In the bag of prisoners from the barracks of Poles (set in the present Plaza of Spain) it seems that their number was 44, but one of them, the porters Juan Suarez, was saved "in extremis" Let Go slurs and throwing downhill to reach the other side of the Manzanares. Other sources indicate that the prisoners were from the "deposits" of detainees from Chamartin Puerta de Santa Barbara, where he had held to the dependents of Receipt of Portillo de Recoletos and the nearby barracks of San Gil.

3. Until the year 1874 continued, however, having burials in this cemetery.

4. Perhaps it was Luis Diez de Pinedo, Marine General.

5. It appears that in 1931 was closed to the public cemetery in 1939 was called Colonel Montesinos Cemetery in memory of Manuel military Montesinos y Molina (1796-1862) known for prison reform.

6. This stone was repaired in 1981 by the Municipal District of Moncloa.

7. According to other reports the picture is in the Municipal Museum. I have not checked.

8. In 2008, the bicentenary of May 2, took place last restoration by architect Antonio Lopez Arazola and shall sanearon, drained and repaired the walls of the room and the chapel and he best solution to lowering the crypt.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Kamehasutra 2 Read Online

Cadets are the first combined year

Sergio, Igor and Manel

Cadets have debuted spectacularly in its first year combined.

Igor Pavlov has personal best in each and every one of the tests:
12 "8 in 100 ml in 100m.v.

also had their first contact with the combined Nuria Anna G and T and a handful of athletes and children fry oranges.
I can not discuss this subject without acknowledging the good work being undertaken training monitor Save as group leader.
The combined continue to enjoy good health in Barberà.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Confidentiality Clause Employees

What do you think the athletes in his world?

In my opinion, the crucial factor that determines the relationship between people.

long ago was reeling to this project. For a coach you need to know they think their athletes of the activity being developed, at whatever level they have.

planned in principle to this type of interview at the domestic level, but then I thought it might be interesting make known the concerns, values \u200b\u200band motivations that drive these people to take a journey of sacrifice and work to search for gold is not always achieved, but nevertheless, built form and the person many other things that certainly will be of great utility in their lives outside of athletics.
The first question in every interview is:

How and when it comes to your athletic life?

At age 17, after having practiced many sports, though none with this level of involvement. Looking for a sport that could be practiced in Barberà and ran into the championship Agony Barberà Athletic Union. A tournament in which each athlete performs all of the Olympic athletics except for the marathon, the 10,000 m.ll. and evidence of progress in the course of two weeks.

cadet, played football but did not convince me because there were too many plug, so I left. Torn between basketball, handball and athletics and in the end I decided on athletics.


Almost since starting to walk, because my parents and my brothers also ran ... we were a family such that when the weekend came we would get the gear, we got into the car and run the course of people to play that week.

In fourth grade I told my father I wanted to do football or other sports, and he told me that before you do another sport had to do athletics.

Since childhood with my mother, four years ... may seem strange but I started with the fences and it was good.
Agus :

by surprise. In a test collection that were made from the CAR of Castellón. First you spent a test in your town and then I sent a letter home. Internal I Penyeta Red from fifth to first of BUP. Although there was only fifteen minutes from home and down every weekend.
I'm done those of senior athletes and I have intention to do so with every group of athletes
, as it has been a great experience that made us know them all a little more.
The interviews were conducted in person and in private without the presence of other colleagues. In no case were forms sent by email, and that space-time communication between questions and answers has been fantastic.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Free Printable Advertisement Templates

What is acquired through hard work, the more he loves

Aristotle said: What is acquired through hard work, the more it loves.
Yesterday we finished three weeks of very intensive three-week training of the most remember intense.
Three weeks of loading on the physical, mental and even emotional, with increased volume of work force, with technical sessions javelin or disc with many releases,
with a high degree of wear; speed endurance sessions designed to bring about depletion of the CNS,
to record series of sixty by Agus, 24 of which 22 were with a very high level of performance, with sessions where lactic overflowed between fibers , with introduction, contradicting the theory that should not be done in a state of fatigue, of new technical elements in length and pole ...

is curious that a thought that has more than two thousand years still retains its meaning today.

At least for those who are dedicated to this ...

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mucinex And An Erection

The transition from Magdalena, Jose Antolínez

Antolínez was José Xavier de Salas writes 1 - " short-lived man, born in Madrid for two in November 1635, died on May 2, 1675 ." His father, Juan Antolin, poor gentleman, for those who had to stay on the court with the work of his hands, was a carpenter of chests and coffins. Joseph began his training as a painter in the workshop of a modest shop painter, Julián González de Benavides, whose daughter is married and completed by attending probably the school of Francisco Rizi, painter of the King. Palomino, the Cordovan scholar painter, considered one of the greatest painters of his time and tells him that he was vain and haughty character, telling about several anecdotes (some collected by Cean) testimony of their relationship, not just good with other painters peers. Antolínez was fond of fencing and it seems it was precisely a result of an adjustment to the sword, which came out unfavorably, "which was struck a very malignant fever" in a few days killed him at forty years of age .

What most interests us is not so much Antolínez his life and his art, developed over only fifteen years. Great cultivator passes for religious art. Gained fame as the most important painter conceptionist the Madrid school.

are over twenty of the Immaculate outputs of their brushes are kept, number only matched by Murillo. The Immaculate Conception from Antolínez, elegant and courtly air, is distinguished by its flexibility to be characteristic of his representation, his cloak, " that inflation is stirred by the wind around the body showing, often in the foreground, silhouetted edges on the shadow of his bulky studs " 3 , detailed treatment of the crown of twelve stars, the inclusion of the dove of the Holy Spirit, pensive face of the Virgin appears with folded hands and forming the angels stand nlños and often obscure the globe to which it supports your feet.

cultivated evangelical Antolínez other issues such as the Annunciation, the Nativity and Holy Family, apart from the Magdalena, which motivates this "illustrated postcard, but it was also a great portrait and low tables reveal their gender. Among them are two that deserve to be highlighted, giving the fact that being in foreign museums are too well known to the English public. I refer to the graduates' poor Painter "(Alte Pinakothek Munich.) and "Portrait of Ambassador Cornelius Lerche Pedersen" Museum of Copenhagen.

" The poor painter," also called "frame Corridor" is, according to Xavier de Salas, "a creation more Antolínez important not only but the whole school after Velázquez Madrid. " Although not entirely clear why, seems to represent a ragged peddler of devotional paintings that goes to the buyer (the viewer) in order to sell one painting from a workshop that overlooks a young painter in which some have believed to see the portrait of Antolínez.

The other painting, a portrait of the Danish ambassador in Madrid, Cornelius Lerche Pedersen, dated 1662, is a rare example of a typical group portrait of the Dutch school, of that in Spain there are very few samples. In this picture, the character is surrounded diplomat, collaborators, friends and family, including, perhaps, portrayed the painter. There I found online a color image of this painting, so that included an old photograph in black and white.

live Eager to learn Antolínez painting I head to the Museo del Prado on this spring morning. At the museum, apart from the usual tourists, wake my attention to groups of children, infants, four or five years, at most, that, hand in hand in neat rows roam the halls, led by their teachers . Some are forming a circle sitting in front of serving tables and not to games invented by the monitors. It's nice to see them so applied and obedient, with the grace and spontaneity of childhood

According to the tab of the online encyclopedia, is preserved in the Museo del Prado Antolínez six works (the maid to whom I asked about the location I have been told works, after an internal telephone consultation, which are fourteen, but I find a factual error): namely, three Immaculate, two portraits of girls, which came to be attributed to Velázquez, and Magdalene, the most prized of all his works. Except the latter, there is no other exposed, which is regrettable.

" The transition from Magdalena " of Antolínez is currently in the courtroom 16A, which sets out a selection of baroque paintings of religious court, some in large format. Here we look at leisure, not many visitors in the room, different trends of Baroque painting, the "brown and detailed invoice " de Pereda, the " chromatic delicacy" of Rizi, the "taste composition by Claudio Coello, the" formal containment "of Cabezalero or" expression "de Valdés Leal. Of all the works, I'll stick with " The Triumph of St. Augustine " the best of baroque Claudio Coello and a small and delicate " Annunciation" by Francisco Rizi, maybe paint the attic of a

I stop finally to the painting of Mary Magdalene. This was a very interpreted plea Spain in the Baroque period, due to the intensification of the cult of the holy penitent after the Council of Trent. As is known, the protesters denied the value of the sacraments, among them the penance and, counter, the Church of Rome, sought to highlight the example of the sinful woman of Magdala, which, sorry, reach holiness, making represent either in the moment of ecstasy, when it is taken away to heaven by angels musicians, or at an earlier stage of abduction, doing penance.

Antolínez Magdalene represented four times: one of his paintings is in the Museo de Bellas Artes de Sevilla (donated by the Marquise de Larios), another in Santamarca the Augustinian College Foundation in Madrid, another at the Palace of Peles in Sinani (Romania) and the fourth one we have in this room of the Museo del Prado, before our eyes.

The scene represents the moment when, according to Peter Golden Legend of the Maelstrom, is elevated by the holy angels to heaven to attend services as a heavenly reward for his solitary life devoted to penance and meditation. Look at the expression of the holy penitent, transported to heaven, where the initial surprise has given way to the mystical rapture in her divine music produced (provided string music in Baroque painting) .

is a work of exceptional quality, which enhances Antolínez skills as a colorist, dominated violet tones, mauve and pink stand out against the blue sky. Belongs to the late artist's production where evidence typical of the baroque taste for the dynamism and expressiveness.

Antolínez painter was subtle and vibrant art whose work is influenced from the earlier masters of Velázquez is undeniable "The poor painter, and also the Flemish and Venetian of his time, including Rubens, Van Dyck and Titian.

El Museo del Prado, which has held exhibitions devoted to little-known teachers of the general public as dedicated to Maine last year and now offers the curious visitor a selection of works by a young Ribera (I have not yet seen) would do well perhaps in the coming years is scheduled for a monograph of Joseph Antolínez One of the most interesting personalities of the seventeenth century English painting, which today, "illustrated postcard, offers fans of this blog.

© Manuel Martínez Bargueño
May 2011

If you have interested in this entry and want to ask, comment or contribute something about it can leave a comment or write me email with confidence be promptly addressed.

Spread among your friends this blog.



1. Xavier Salas. "Museo del Prado " . Volume II. " Velázquez and XVII century painting." Orgaz editions. 1978, p. 42.

2. Baptized on November 7, 1635 in the church of San Justo y Pastor.

3. Diego Angulo Iniguez. "José Antolínez ." Diego Velazquez Institute of National Research Council. Madrid. 1957, pg. 16.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Nanny Liability Insurance

Imanol Cardona best athlete of 2011 Barberà

Over the past Nit de l'Esport de Barberà, Cardona was named Iman Barberà sportsman 2011. Last year Spain was runner-up all of the decathlon, but that has not been his greatest achievement.

Barberà is a small city, which is under the radius of influence of some very large cities, Sabadell from which we separated just a few meters of asphalt or Barcelona, \u200b\u200bonly twenty minutes by public transport. However, despite what you might think, the density of Barberà sports entities is very high and get an award like this is very difficult.

's commitment in recent years to improve the sports facilities of the population has allowed the quality of sport improves day by day, in every sport, in all specialties. In our particular case, the construction of the athletics track Can Llobet, located in the heart of the population, has been a boost to a long overdue improvement.

Barberà Athletic Union is a modest institution that does not pay to any athlete or fixed, or prizes, which operates from the base to ensure that athletes can make the best out them all I have, but not have everything in order to fill those gaps. In this sport is easy for some athletes who excel are tempted by other more powerful clubs to leave the ranks of the club, or other coaches who promise a panacea, it does not exist, to change the place of training. However this has rarely happened in the ranks oranges and maybe that is the great value added Imanol has joined its sporting achievements this year.

Imanol has been great and has shown the way for those coming from behind.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Facial Cleansers/saliycilic Acid

Goya's frescoes in San Antonio de la Florida

be laziness, lack of time, being out of the way of cultural routes so favored by these and other reasons, alone or in combination, the question is that after over half a century of residence in Madrid have not known before the hermitage of San Antonio de la Florida, mortal sin of which I ask now apologize to the sky, taking as penance for my acquittal uncertain, to recommend to those other sinners in my very circumstance that the sooner expiate their guilt and get ready to visit this small chapel museum now considered the Sistine Chapel of the eighteenth century. "

Those who decide to follow this recommendation, would do well to gain entry, the modest price of € 1 (less than the cost of a newspaper), the brochure " Goya frescoes. Guide to the hermitage of San Antonio de la Florida " edited by Patrimonio Nacional, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando and the Municipality of Madrid, whose author is Maria Jose Rivas Capelo, a specialist in art and devotional history of the chapel that gives us an accurate guide, very well written on which we rely, along with other complementary inputs for the preparation of this article 1 disclosure. Historical introduction

In the past, the left bank of the Manzanares, where the shrine is located (Glorieta de San Antonio de la Florida, 5) was a peaceful spot, with gardens and trees where the locals used to come to bask, a practice that lasted until our days with the traditional procession of San Antonio de la Florida " the first verbena God sends." Popular devotion to the saint, patron of unmarried young girl, especially the dressmakers was very rooted in the history of Villa del Oso y del Madroño 2.

already in its immediate vicinity since the seventeenth century, there was a small shrine with an image of Our Lady of Grace for the devotion of the Manzanares laundry. In 1720, the Ranger an institution known as Receipt of the real income of the Puerta Vieja de San Vicente commissioned architect Joseph Churriguera the construction of a real chapel, consecrated to the Virgin herself, but counting on the inside with a picture of San Antonio, sculptor Juan de Villanueva , father of the famous architect, which " reached such fame and veneration which soon became the patron saint ."

destroyed the first chapel 3 in 1768, to build the new road of Castile, had to build another two years later (1770), being the author of the bill Francisco Sabatini but this lasted not long, for the works remodeling del palacio y jardines de la finca denominada La Florida 4 , adquirida por Carlos IV, a instancias de su esposa, la reina María Luisa, al marques de Castel-Rodrigo, originaron de nuevo el derribo de la ermita y la erección finalmente de una nueva en su emplazamiento actual, edificada entre 1792 y 1799, según diseños del italiano Felipe Fontana (1744-1800).

Fue el propio Carlos IV, seguramente por medio de Jovellanos, a la sazón ministro de Gracia y Justicia, quien encargó a Goya la decoración de la ermita. El pintor aragonés, entonces en el pináculo de su fama, comenzó a preparar los bocetos el 15 de junio de 1798 y se sabe que, a partir del 1 de agosto, se trasladaba diariamente from his home in rented car, to paint the chapel, for 120 " days" or days. Finally

July 11, 1798, the King, who bears all the work, opened the shrine as a royal chapel with great pomp and solemnity.

In 1881, at the request of the archbishop of Toledo, San Antonio de la Florida, belonging to the Royal Heritage, free palatal parish was ceded by the usufructuary to install the new parish of San Antonio Madrid. Since then, the intensification of the cult of the parish use, it was found that the smoke of incense and candles were seriously damaging the paintings of Goya in the church, declared a National Monument
in 1905.

In 1919 there was a significant event in the story we're telling: the move to the chapel as a place more suitable to his eternal rest, Goya's remains, buried since his death in 1828 in the pantheon of Goicoechea in Bordeaux and in 1900 moved to Madrid's San Isidro Cemetery.

In 1928, the centenary of the painter's death, and to ensure the conservation of paintings, was built next door, by the architect Juan Moya Idígoras (1867-1953), a church , an exact replica of the former, for the service parish, leaving only the old chapel as a museum, by the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando.

During the Civil War, Florida was in the front line and caused damage and humidity in the vault, in the segment of the feet, causing damage in paintings (two of the "angels", the most famous and reproduced) that were repaired in 1940, under the direction of restaurateur Manuel Grau and More.

In 1987, the National Heritage Memorial gave the custody of the City of Madrid has carried out rehabilitation of the building and a new intervention in the paintings, completed in 2005. Known these essential

reference points, we are able to start our visit to the shrine, starting

The exterior of the two chapels
twin on the right, as viewed from the front, the old, museum-pantheon that we visit

The church is small, sober and elegant in its proportions pair of Neoclassical style, with a mixture of Baroque elements, designed, as we said, by the Bolognese architect and designer for the king of Spain, Felipe Fontana (1744-1800), whom we have little biographical information. It consists of a single body and attached side buildings. In the rectangular facade, Tuscan pilasters supporting a plain entablature topped by a curved pediment, within which there was a shield of the Crown, which was demolished in 1873, during the 1 st Republic 5 and window at the top. Caps a triangular pediment on which stands outside the graceful dome of six feet with a flashlight.

On the front right of the door a brass plaque informs visitors about the monument with the words:

Chapel San Antonio de la Florida.
Architect: Philip Fontana
Located on the former estate of Florida, is small
proportions and was designed in the neoclassical style. The
facade consists of a main body with two large
Doric pilasters and cornice surmounted by a triangular pediment.
Both sides stand two bodies united in their rear.
In its interior the dome with frescoes by Francisco de Goya
represent one of the miracles of San Antonio de Padua.
In 1905 he was declared of cultural interest and since 1919
found inside the tomb of the painter. In 1928, during
the centenary of the death of Goya, the architect Juan Moya
mate built a church for the service being the original parish chapel
as a museum-pantheon Goya 1792-1798

Let us
Interior. Admission is free. We left the left the cockpit information and control where they sell the publications and follow a hallway to the lobby or sacristy. On the left, on the wall, there is an interesting ewer which consists of two parts, bucket of stucco, and body colored vertical Siena marble with the date of completion of construction of the chapel, 1798. To the right of this, there is a small room where a video projected on the frescoes by Goya, whose vision is interesting, especially after the visit. On the ground

is the grave of the egregious lady, Maria Luisa de la Torre " first wife of Lt. General Don Francisco de Borbon Prince ", died July 7, 1887 June . Not believe that this prince, sir, that child was not even in Spain.

On the wall, a stone thanks to the Bank of Granada have paid for repairs to the chapel (05/30/1977) 7 . This would be before the bankruptcy of the bank. We

the ship. As raw morning, there is little visitors, bringing an atmosphere of silence pervades all space. I look first as a whole and in other decorative features before directing my attention to the outstanding paintings of Goya.

read in the newly acquired guide " The church has a Greek cross plan very short arms which gives a central character and allows to highlight the semi-circular dome on scallops, located in the center of the ship. On the walls is new pilasters with Corinthian capitals and bill defines a ledge with his tour provides agility and animation to the interior of the temple . "

The altar, neoclassical, is made stucco solution cheaper than marble, which imitates. To cap it, a group of sculptures in plaster, two classic angels bow to the triangle of the Trinity, the divine rays departing. Earlier in the great space of the niche was an image of San Antonio, polychrome wood, work " extolled by sculptor José Ginés Alicante (1768-1823), but moved to the new church in 1928, disappeared during the civil war , although there are pictures and photographs of the image. His place is a magnificent Christ in ivory and stone cross, filipino, the eighteenth century. On both sides of the sanctuary separate columns report the características artísticas de la ermita y de su contenido.

Tumba de Goya

A los pies del presbiterio esta la tumba de Goya, que es de granito y tiene adosada la misma lápida de mármol que señalaba su sepultura en el cementerio de Burdeos, con el mismo epitafio :

Hic Jacet
Franciscus a Goya et Lucientes
Hispaniensis pertissimus Pictor
magnaque sui nominis
celebritate notus.
Decurso, probe, lumine vitae
obiit XVI Kalendas Maii
aetatis suae

En 1919, cuando fueron moved from the cemetery of San Isidro, the remains of Goya, was added a cross and bronze letters


to Say lovers of curiosities that the Aragonese painter is not alone in his grave. He is accompanied by his friend Martin Consuegra and Miguel de Goicoechea, who died three years before. Goya in Bordeaux when he died, was buried in the grave and when, in 1900, moved his remains to the cemetery of San Isidro, also came from his friend fraternal. So in the grave there are two boxes containing the remains lead Goya and his friend and also a third box containing a parchment on which is recorded the act of burial with these words from the press at the time 8 :

"Reigning Don Alfonso XIII, with Minister of Public Instruction and Fine Arts Mr. Don José del Prado y Palacios, and at his initiative, the remains of Francisco de Goya moved to the church of San Antonio de la Florida on November 29, 1919, from San Isidro Cemetery, where they were buried to be brought from Bordeaux on May 11, 1900.
missing in the skeleton's skull 9, because the death of the great painter, his head, as is fame, was entrusted to a physician for scientific study, but was reinstated after the burial and, therefore, be found to verify the exhumation in that French city.
addition, in case of lead, coming at the same time as those of Goya, the remains of his friend D. Martín Miguel de Goicoechea Alsasua born on October 7, 1755 and died in Bordeaux on June 30 de1825 and family vault in which the famous artist was buried on May 16, 1828. "

side altars and liturgical objects

These altars are also of stucco, adorned with cherubs and garlands classic imitation bronze. The oil paintings, painted shortly after the frescoes by Goya, are Jacinto Gomez Pastor (1746-1812), cousin of the painter Vincent Gomez 10 , court painter to Charles IV and represent San Isidro and San Luis de France , patron of Madrid and Paris, respectively (Epistle side) and Borrromeo Immaculate with San Carlos and San Fernando (Gospel side).

The beautiful central chandelier, " of elegant neoclassical invoice, gilt bronze, is the palace Sunday Urquiza goldsmith and is decorated with a group of three angels at the base, of which one is watching On entering and inviting go to the devotee. Inside the latter three pigeons disappeared today claimed the oil lamps. The strings imitate the Golden Fleece, order that owned the English monarchs. As Elías Tormo, "Don Alfonso XIII make Felix Granda made replica of it for the church in New York neighbor of the Hispanic Society, which sponsored the building Hispanist Huntington" 11.

Several other pieces of silver, besides chandeliers, Urquiza also work, including a custody portapaz and adorned the chapel is located in the Palacio Real, which also preserves a wooden crucifix a Christ painting attributed to Mariano Salvador Maella, and whose reverse indicates that comes from the old sacristy of San Antonio de la Florida.

Goya's frescoes

and consider all the above details, I am prepared to contemplate at my ease and photograph, by the way, the paintings of Goya. Only then me warning of the presence of an employee, stationed "in the corner in a dark corner" that I correctly warned of the prohibition of taking photographs. So that follows is the only I could get inside the temple

When ordering decor Goya painting of the church, was 52 years and was the most celebrated painter of his time. As noted above, the great Aragonese decoration began in August 1798, work lasting two to three months. The great originality of the paintings suggests that Goya worked on them too freely, without any interference and took the occasion to write to taste all the paintings.

is not known whether the matter was referred to the paintings (most likely) or out of their own choice. In any case, the theme was the "miracle of San Antonio, when they found the miracle in Padua Franciscan saint, received word that his father, Martinho, and other family members had been formally charged with murder in Lisbon. Moved miraculously (bilocation) to the city and the place of trial, he asked to bring the dead to declare whether or not his father was the murderer. Then he raised his lying and proclaimed the innocence of the accused, " to the admiration and astonishment of the audience "

This supposedly happened in the thirteenth century, but Goya, in a free and personal interpretation, moved the miracle to the environment eighteenth-century Madrid, investing further in its composition, the usual terms of the decoration of the churches where it was normal that the earth episode is located in the lower reserve the dome for the scene of glory.

Goya did in the chapel opposite. He put the miracle in the high and glory, with his customary cut of angels in the lower vaults. This new form solves it by contriving to pull back the curtains to simulate angels like a stage and show the viewer what happens above

But it is time to describe what we are seeing, with the help of mirrors conveniently located, as demanded Tormo. In the dome, a motley crowd attending the miracle around a mock rail. The characters are lisboetas XII century but eighteenth-century Madrid the banks of the Manzanares: women, men, beggars, peasants, children, young fellow with their owners. A whole theater world in which every character takes a certain attitude and a willingness around the miracle that takes place before your eyes: some seem amazed, amazed others, self-absorbed to look or talk among themselves holy, even some appear distracted or outside or children, spontaneous attitude, hanging from the railing, not to lose the scene.

scholars paints the scene conventionally divided into several groups. In the northeastern side of the dome is located the main group in which stands the figure of the saint, placed on a rock at the time relied on the deceased to testify. Proud of gesture and expression are the figures of the man holding the emaciated corpse of the woman with arms outstretched imploringly. Follow pestles group, three girls who look whisper among them, excelling the young beautiful, black eyes with hands clasped under her chin. Beside her male figures, some rather exotic features. Here are two figures of great sensitivity, superb color both a blonde that looks carefully the young man with him, turned to the miracle. Then a disturbing character with long hair, does a matchmaker? that seems to be looking at viewer. A white shawl run along the railing next piece of sill used the figure of a woman wearing a colorful shawl which looks at the man standing with arms outstretched, seems transfixed by a deep religious faith, Below, a him, splendid figure of another woman, red skirt and white shawl over the railing and angled downward.

say it may be self-portrait of Goya the body wrapped in a black cloak
that follows, which is sitting next to a lady, wrapped in a cloak only to watch your delicate features. Follow the sector of beggars, different characters which support each other highlighting the position of "toothless beggar " of chalequillo blue. But next to a miracle, a man and a woman look completely shocked, while to his right, another does the real murderer?, Dressed in yellow jersey, it seems to flee the scene in a hurry. Behind the holy man dressed in gray raises his arm to heaven, while two children climbed over the railing to better view the scene. All this real and magical world at the time elapses on a background of landscapes and trees .

Let's walk our eyes to the vaults and walls on the sides of windows. Allí se disponen las “ángelas” que descorren las cortinas, mujeres “ de gran sensualidad y belleza ”, vestidas con finas túnicas, que tanto llamaron la atención de los estudiosos del siglo XIX. Parecen figuras muy modernas, prerrománticas, en especial, las “ángelas” rubias, tanto la del arco toral del ábside que tiene las manos juntas como la del luneto derecho que lleva el pelo recogido con una cinta. En el arco de los pies están las dos “ángelas” juntas que resultaron dañadas en la guerra civil y que fueron restauradas, primero en 1940 y luego hace pocos años. Algunos pensaron que estas “ángelas” eran demasiado profanas and even irreverent. I think they are of extraordinary beauty. The scallops

, Goya painted angels playing one of his favorite themes, and finally in the apse the main scene of glory, the Trinity. Choirs of angels in prayerful attitude is grouped around the sculpture, creating an atmosphere of golden tones. It is perhaps the most traditional and conservative part of this whole wonderful, " wonder of grace and seduction " as defined Tormo.

Two words on the execution mode. To paint these frescoes, Goya began each "day" (working day) spread over a layer of mortar wall wet lime and sand. In this rendering then drew the grounds with the aid of punch cards and then before it dries, apply the pigments mixed with water using sponges. Then on the sketches, with a touch of brush was forming the faces, shapes and clothing. Is a very bold, suitable only for great teachers. Some panels

realize the work done during the long restoration process that have passed these fresh and has covered several stages: from 1989 to 1994 in 2001, during the last fifteen months and September 2003 April 2005.

is not our intention in this long article to weigh the value and the quality of these fresh, nor reproduce the critical judgments of who better studied (Camon Aznar, Lafuente Ferrari, Reel Parrondo, Pita Andrade, among others), just to state that Goya in San Antonio de la Florida shows as the first modern painter, to use, according to its own laws, a quasi-autonomous universe in which people live heavenly figures in the real world, a world of beauty and a cheerful and colorful, but dark, hopeless and even ugliness culminating, no longer any good mix, in the "Black Paintings." Reader

you've endured so far this clumsy exposition. Hurry up to visit this spring saint's shrine and enjoy the beautiful with the contemplation of these paintings. It's advice that, surely thank me.

© Manuel Martínez Bargueño
May 2011

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1. Who wants to extend this information, I recommend the book "San Antonio Florida and Goya. The restoration of the frescoes ", edited by Art Turner. Madrid 2008, coordinated by José Manuel Pita Andrade, with the participation of various specialists including Maia Jose Rivas Capelo.

2. All the 13 June, the day of San Antonio, came to the hermitage of dressmakers, dressed in their shawls to ask the saint a good boyfriend, depositing thirteen Alfileritos that purpose in the holy water is in the lobby entrance to the temple. The Alfileritos that by putting your hand in the water, they stuck in it, were the suitors that they would have. After several lit candles and prayed a prayer to the saint. At the same time had the blessing of the loaves and its distribution among the faithful.

3. According to old maps and descriptions, this chapel was erected at the foot of the road from the Palace down to the river, "in the roundabout in front of the present Principe Pio station, and had a hexagonal, dome spire and stucco decorations inside Baroque Madrid.

4. The present church of San Antonio de la Florida is all that remains of the royal site of Florida, which since 1859 was released by the Crown, first for the construction of the headquarters of the Mountain and the area of \u200b\u200bArguelles and finally railway station.

5. It also could be during the Revolution "Glorious" in 1868.

6. In-network-ing I hear that Dona Maria Luisa de la Torre and Basave, here buried with a special permit, according to the Book of Death of the Church, was born in the parish of St. Hilary of Guamutas, Matanzas (Cuba) on May 14, 1856, daughter of Jose Maria de la Torre and María Dolores Armenteros and Bassave and Ciboure, wealthy Cuban landowners. Married in New York on September 15, 1877 (another time and place, Havana, September 15, 1882) with Lt. Gen. Francisco de Paula de Borbon y Castellvi (1853-1942), scion of the Infante Don Francisco de Paula de Borbón , Duke of Cádiz, son of Charles IV and Maria Luisa of Parma (thus, a cousin of Alfonso XII) and had five children. After the death of his first wife, her husband, remarried on February 15 1890, with another Cuban, Felisa de Leon y Navarro de Balboa, Marquesa de Balboa (1861-1943).

7. The work was funded by the President of the Bank of Granada and the Academy of Fine Arts, Miguel Rodríguez-Acosta, in gratitude for the award of the Medal of Honor of the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando The restoration works were directed by Fernando Chueca Goitia and ended in May 1977. The Bank of Grenada collapsed in 1978 and underwent surgery the following year by the Bank of Spain at a cost of remediation of 58.4 million euros.

8. " The figure of the Week: Goya ." New World December 5, 1919. Among personalities who attended the event is recognized in the photograph published by ABC (November 30, 1919) Eduardo Dato, the Count of Romanones and Dr. Marañón.

9. On the whereabouts of the head of Goya have developed various hypotheses. The most widespread is that Dr. Lafargue beheaded the corpse for a phrenological study of genius. In 1849 it seems that Goya's skull was held by the artist Dionisio Ferros came to represent on canvas. The most tricky is that the skull disappeared when a son of the painter, a medical student in Salamanca blew it up into pieces as a result of an experiment.

10. Both were disciples of Bayeu and Maella and exercised both the fresco and the easel.

11. Elías Tormo. " The churches of Madrid. Reissue of the two issues published in 1927 ." Institute of Spain, 1972, pg. 88.