Sunday, May 8, 2011

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What is acquired through hard work, the more he loves

Aristotle said: What is acquired through hard work, the more it loves.
Yesterday we finished three weeks of very intensive three-week training of the most remember intense.
Three weeks of loading on the physical, mental and even emotional, with increased volume of work force, with technical sessions javelin or disc with many releases,
with a high degree of wear; speed endurance sessions designed to bring about depletion of the CNS,
to record series of sixty by Agus, 24 of which 22 were with a very high level of performance, with sessions where lactic overflowed between fibers , with introduction, contradicting the theory that should not be done in a state of fatigue, of new technical elements in length and pole ...

is curious that a thought that has more than two thousand years still retains its meaning today.

At least for those who are dedicated to this ...


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