Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Confidentiality Clause Employees

What do you think the athletes in his world?

In my opinion, the crucial factor that determines the relationship between people.

long ago was reeling to this project. For a coach you need to know they think their athletes of the activity being developed, at whatever level they have.

planned in principle to this type of interview at the domestic level, but then I thought it might be interesting make known the concerns, values \u200b\u200band motivations that drive these people to take a journey of sacrifice and work to search for gold is not always achieved, but nevertheless, built form and the person many other things that certainly will be of great utility in their lives outside of athletics.
The first question in every interview is:

How and when it comes to your athletic life?

At age 17, after having practiced many sports, though none with this level of involvement. Looking for a sport that could be practiced in Barberà and ran into the championship Agony Barberà Athletic Union. A tournament in which each athlete performs all of the Olympic athletics except for the marathon, the 10,000 m.ll. and evidence of progress in the course of two weeks.

cadet, played football but did not convince me because there were too many plug, so I left. Torn between basketball, handball and athletics and in the end I decided on athletics.


Almost since starting to walk, because my parents and my brothers also ran ... we were a family such that when the weekend came we would get the gear, we got into the car and run the course of people to play that week.

In fourth grade I told my father I wanted to do football or other sports, and he told me that before you do another sport had to do athletics.

Since childhood with my mother, four years ... may seem strange but I started with the fences and it was good.
Agus :

by surprise. In a test collection that were made from the CAR of Castellón. First you spent a test in your town and then I sent a letter home. Internal I Penyeta Red from fifth to first of BUP. Although there was only fifteen minutes from home and down every weekend.
I'm done those of senior athletes and I have intention to do so with every group of athletes
, as it has been a great experience that made us know them all a little more.
The interviews were conducted in person and in private without the presence of other colleagues. In no case were forms sent by email, and that space-time communication between questions and answers has been fantastic.


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