Monday, March 8, 2010

Del A Ghetto Hair Cut


The días12, 13 and 14 February was held in Caracas, the National Meeting of the Lay Missionaries of the Consolata, it had been convened during the meeting October 2009 held in the city Barquisimeto.
The occasion was propitious for the laity who already have years in the training process, they found new ones who are wondering about their commitment and lay Consolata.
The National Meeting was held in an atmosphere of brotherhood and joy.
Al greet find that time had elapsed and many events had happened in the course of it. We set out to maximize every minute of the three days, updated and integrated into communion.

Lisandro Father Rivas, Regional Superior we presented the father Renzo Marcolongo. It was a valuable opportunity to begin working with him as he invited us to build un "Mosaico de Auto presentación, en un trabajo de dos horas abiertas... que empezó a las 8.30 pm del viernes y se prolongaría según la creatividad de cada uno.

            Así transcurrió: teníamos 25 revistas comerciales y diez misioneras para seleccionar en ellas imágenes, letreros o significados que ensamblaríamos personalmente en cada pliego de papel bond que teníamos. Tuvimos también tijeras y barras de pegamento... hojas y marcadores de colores para dejar fluir a manera de collage every self reflection.

was a work of silence and a lot of carpentry.

Saturday morning began with each participant's self-presentation, also joined Sister Agnes, the Consolata Missionary , who has accompanied with great heart and determination on the path of the laity in Venezuela .
We were 15, plus the children of some fellow was very interesting and certainly everything flowed, as deep as our effort and totally authentic ... P. Renzo closed the presentation after two hours and concluded that in all the common element was the experience of Jesus, which was what brought us together and what we had called and then one remembers status lay noting that the Lay Consolata missionary is someone named for Christ that makes the mission ad gentes life project was the experience of Jesus in Central and irradiábamos there other elements that shape our lives.

Consolatino Style Lives, as we share the charm of Mission Ad people, charisma Consolata. This is what identifies us.

The Church has been a change since the need and identity of the Mission and is expanding into all walks of life, not just priests and religious but more and more lay people sent to the missions ad gentes.
THE MISSION IS EVERYONE. We all have a duty to proclaim Christ Alive ... There are countries where the clergy abounds ... "In Colombia and not know what to do with so many priests ..." Where there are many priests, lay people do not grow. "

The IMC Colombia," work at Mission Cultural Center. I'll take care of the psycho. For me as a priest is very important to prepare the laity. Where there are many priests problems to work with the laity.
Many priests and sisters do not know how to work with the laity: distrust, the assistants are ... just ask them almost formal tasks are substitutes in some cases. Where there is no clergy, the need of Christian communities is to ferment for the emergence of the laity and they assume leadership in the service.
The path of the laity is new, it's good if we find and know Christ, there is the desire to advertise.

work with the laity involves a conversion of the priests.

formation of the laity.
Another issue tackled by the group with the help of P Renzo was the subject of Education of the laity.

Formation of the Laity OBJECTIVES:
1. DISCERNMENT: This is a specific vocation and new is a special mission.
2. TAKE OWN IDENTITY: This is done by taking Consolatina own identity, you need a belonged belonging and identity is of a legal nature and identification is the Heart.
3. deepen faith and vocation. It is a personal and group size with a biblical source and taking into account the psychological dimension typically Consolata.
4. must take as a central Geographic Mission outside their own territory, even if not everyone can realize
5. Continuing Education Continuing personal and group level

We spent the second stage of labor: a reflection on the Maturity ..
Missionary for Life must prepare and that the mission is leaving us to our point of reference. The Mission must enter the reference frame of another, for which requires the ability to dialogue Opening capacity, knowing that the Christ event, exceeds the Interpretation.
Christian maturity.
is the way the encounter with Christ, knowing that the caller To follow Jesus in discipleship must take into account the
Prayer-The word "Reality.
this part was conducted in a comprehension of discipleship in Jesus and that he proposes.
Disciples of Rabbis
Disciples of Jesus
Understanding the Law, to inde teacher Zarse
know Jesus and be united to him without separating
Trasmitir enseñanzas
Ser testigos
División de los Puros e impuros
No hay separación ni división
La perspectiva es económica(abrir su propia sinagoga)
Lo que han recibido gratis gratis lo han de entregar
Consolata Style
1 .- secular identity.
2 .- From a community (imc, mc, parish, diocese)
3 .- characteristic patterns "Consolata"
-Pastoral-Care -social-work educator, values \u200b\u200bevangelicals and evangelical host community
To make each other architect of his own life.
the second day ended with the Eucharist prepared by the community of Caracas where he outlined the wealth around the lived until
the American Missionary Congress.
The night of Saturday, the group received a visit from the Imc Bignotti Andrea, who shared with the laity the way of preparing the Cam 4 Coml 8, inviting us to join from the positions that each can assume in coordination with the management of PMS. Consolata Missionary laypeople already working directly on the team and organization.
Since Saturday night the meeting was devoted to internal life communities and the national and international perspective.
It was common that the higher demand of the two institutes have sent purpose of the meeting and the agreements of the laity the continent. Also went socializing the conclusions of the meeting in Brazil among them:
Two important elements.
1 .- The laity are a new branch of the family Consolata, and in this sense are accompanied by both.
2 .- must deepen and know the lay Profile Consolata Missionary
3 .- must be built between the three branches relations of complementarity, co and interdependence.
Communities commitments.
communities then met
1 .- Community of Caracas. Here is the companion of Apure added
2 .- Community of Barquisimeto. Here is the companion of Mérida added
3 .- Group Maracay.

common commitments:
a. - stabilizing the frequency of meetings communities.
b. "Take this year for training in communities the book" I love you so "edited by the Institute.
c. "The community has set Barquisimeto Missionary Training so requested the cooperation of all others, were asked to send the project and assure you search for ways to realize the aid.
d. - All present gave copies of his ID card in order to give the attorney for the registration of legal personality.
e-date is set as the next national meeting of day 8, 9 and October 10 the place will be decided in dialogue.
f. "A group of lay Group of Maracay participate on behalf of all the Mission of Holy Week in Clarines (Eastern Venezuela) the rest will bring 100 Bs each and will support you with prayer and from the various commitments made for Easter.

With Celebration Mass and lunch concluded the meeting by thanking God for the experience.


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