Friday, March 12, 2010

What Causes Pink Tinged Cm In Pregnancy?

Borbollón MISSION 2010 - Las Heras, Mendoza, Argentina

from Saturday 2 to Sunday, January 10, 2010, Young Consolata Missionaries belonging to the College of Our Lady of the Consolata , were of Mission for the second consecutive year Borbollón. This activity is part of a 3-year project duration, which has the main objective of evangelization and human promotion.
Young, accompanied by the Lay Missionaries of the Consolata and people in the community, carried out various activities in a week to all work. The most important activities carried young missionaries were:
1. Visit households: were walked the streets of different neighborhoods area, such as St. Thomas neighborhood, neighborhood Romera, Villa Vieja, Down and neighborhood Borbollón Don Bosco, to know and feel the different realities of the area, their needs and above all share a little time with families, and be a prayer or just chatting.
2. Epiphany: in the municipal camping area celebrated the Epiphany with all the boys and around. As in every mission performed by the JMC, this activity is always present in the mind of all, because in each face of the children with whom we play, distributing chocolate, candy, we sang songs and shared moments of great joy, we see reflected the face of Jesus and a thank you and touches the soul full of happiness. In addition to the dynamic games, the most important time for the children of the area was when 2 of our youth and P. Kimilu Kioko, dressed as Wise Men and shared hugs, kisses, greetings and joy.
3. Masses and prayer: every evening, when the night is approaching, we celebrated the Eucharist, being faithful to the desire to be missionaries José Allamano Eucharistic. Also, before starting the day after the end of it, prayed a prayer and shared reflection, is always present in the arms of Mother Consolata.
4. Great Campfire Missionary: after 8 days of intense missionary activity, we completed mission with a big bonfire with the participation Missionary barrio communities visited, Young Consolata Missionaries belonging to the parish of Our Lady of Mercy people in the community and the College of Our Lady of Consolata . They took the time , the Lay Missionaries of the Consolata , to start new projects to be implemented throughout 2010.
Every day, early each day, we present a "compact", which reads as follows: Lord Jesus, open our hearts to listen and show us the Father's face. Open our hearts to behold the brothers. Open our hearts to contact your word. Open our hearts every day to look in the face of every Eucharist. And open our hearts to receive Mary. Let us from this moment of communion with the Holy Spirit, one heart, one soul and one body for the world to believe.
Today our missionary continues in this community. Here we are Lord, knowing that the greatest happiness is to serve you.
Thanks to the whole community of the Borbollón to share the joy of being disciples and missionaries of Jesus!
Adrian Valdez.
LMC Mendoza, Argentina


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