Monday, March 22, 2010

Nvidia 6200 On Optiplex Gx240

Since this instance appears as a prelude to World Conference on Climate Change People Climate and Rights Mother Earth, the first thing is that everyone knows the letter of invitation from Evo.

Evo Letter:

Today, our Mother Earth is sick. From the first century, we experienced the warmest years of the last thousand years. The calentamiento global está provocando cambios bruscos en el clima: el retroceso de los glaciares y la disminución de los casquetes polares; el aumento del nivel del mar y la inundación de territorios costeros en cuyas cercanías vive el 60% de la población mundial; el incremento de los procesos de desertificación y la disminución de fuentes de agua dulce; una mayor frecuencia de desastres naturales que sufren las comunidades del planeta [1] ; la extinción de especies animales y vegetales; y la propagación de enfermedades en zonas que antes estaban libres de las mismas.

Una de las consecuencias más trágicas del cambio climático es que algunas naciones y territorios están condenadas away by rising sea level.

all started with the industrial revolution of 1750 that started the capitalist system. In two and a half centuries, the countries called "developed" have consumed a large part of fossil fuels created over five million centuries.

Competition and boundless thirst for profit capitalist system is destroying the planet. For capitalism are not human beings but consumers. For capitalism there, but mother earth raw materials. Capitalism is the source of the asymmetries and imbalances in the world. Generates luxury, ostentation and waste for a few while millions die of hunger. In hands of capitalism everything becomes a commodity: water, earth, the human genome, ancestral cultures, justice, ethics, death ... and life itself. Absolutely everything is bought and sold in capitalism. And even "climate change" has become a business.

"Climate change" has placed all of mankind to a great choice: continue down the path of capitalism and death, or the path of harmony with nature and respect for life.

The 1997 Kyoto Protocol, developed countries and economies in transition committed to reducing its emissions of greenhouse gases emissions by at least 5% below 1990 levels, with the implementation of various instruments including market mechanisms predominate.

Until 2006, greenhouse gases, far from diminishing, have increased by 9.1% compared to 1990 levels, thus demonstrating also in breach of the commitments of developed countries.

market mechanisms applied in developing countries [2] have not achieved a significant reduction in emissions of greenhouse gases.

As the market is unable to regulate the financial system and productive in the world, the market either is able to regulate emissions of greenhouse gases and will only generate a great deal for financiers and large corporations.

The planet is far more important than the stock of Wall Street and the world

While the United States and the European Union spent 4,100 billion dollars to save the bankers from a financial crisis that they themselves have caused, and programs related to climate change get 313 times less, ie only 13 billion dollars.

resources to climate change are unevenly distributed. More resources for reducing emissions (mitigation) and less to climate change effects we suffer all countries (adaptation) [3] . The vast majority of the resources flow to those countries that have contaminated and not the countries where we have preserved the environment. 80% of the projects of Clean Development Mechanism has focused on four emerging countries.

Capitalist logic promotes the paradox that the sectors that most contributed to the deterioration of the environment are the ones who benefit most from the climate change programs.

addition, technology transfer and financing for clean and sustainable development of countries in the South have remained in speeches.

Next Climate Change Summit in Copenhagen must allow a leap if we are to save Mother Earth and humanity. For that purpose the following proposals for the process from Poznan to Copenhagen:

attack the structural causes of climate change

1) Discuss the structural causes of climate change. Until we change the capitalist system with a system based on complementarity, solidarity and harmony between people and nature, the measures we adopt palliatives that will be limited and precarious. For us, what has failed is the model of "living better", of unlimited development, industrialization without borders, that scorns modern history, increased accumulation at the expense of others and nature. That is why we advocate the Living Well, in harmony with other human beings and our Mother Earth.

2) Developed countries need to monitor their patterns of consumption, luxury and waste ", especially the excessive consumption of fossil fuels. The fossil fuel subsidies, amounting to 150-250 billion dollars, [4] must be progressively eliminated. Is essential to develop alternative energy such as solar, geothermal, wind and small hydro and medium scale.

3) Biofuels are not an alternative because they put the food production for transport before the production of food for humans. Expand the agricultural frontier agrocumbustibles destroying forests and biodiversity, create monocultures, promote the concentration of land, deteriorating soil, depleting water sources, contributing to rising food prices and in many cases, they consume more energy than they generate.

Substantial commitments to reducing emissions are met

4) Comply strictly through 2012 commitment [5] countries developed to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases by at least 5% below 1990 levels. It is unacceptable that countries that historically have polluted the planet about larger reductions in future breach of their present commitments.

5) Establish new minimum commitments for developed countries to 40% by 2020 and 90% by 2050 to reduce greenhouse gases by taking as its starting point the 1990 emissions. These minimum commitments must be met internally developed countries and not through flexible market mechanisms that allow the purchase of Certified Emission Reductions to continue polluting in their own country. We also must establish mechanisms for monitoring, reporting and verification are transparent and accessible to the public to ensure compliance with these commitments.

6) Developing countries that are not historical polluters must preserve the space needed to implement a sustainable alternative development and not repeat the mistakes of wild industrialization has led to the current situation. To ensure this process, developing countries need, as a prerequisite, finance and technology transfer.

An Integral Financial Mechanism to address ecologic debt to

7) In recognition of the historical ecological debt they have with the planet, developed countries should create a comprehensive financial mechanism to support developing countries in implementing their plans and programs for adaptation and mitigation of climate change on innovation, development and technology transfer, in the conservation and enhancement of sinks and reservoirs, in the actions of response to major natural disasters caused by climate change and the implementation of sustainable development plans and friendly nature.

8) The Comprehensive Financial Mechanism to be effective, must have at least one contribution 1% of GDP in developed countries [6] and have other income from taxes on oil and gas, financial transactions, maritime and air transport, and the profits of transnational corporations.

9) Contributions from developed countries should be additional to Official Development Assistance (ODA), bilateral aid and / or channeled through agencies other than the United Nations. Any funding outside the UNFCCC can not be regarded as the implementation of commitments by developed countries under the Convention.

10) The funding has to go to the plans or national programs of the States and not to projects that are under the logic of the market.

11) Funding should not be concentrated only in some developed countries but has to give priority to countries that have contributed least to the emission of greenhouse gases, those that preserve nature and / or suffering the impact of change climate.

12) Integral Financial Mechanism should be under the umbrella of the United Nations and not under the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and other intermediaries as the World Bank and regional development banks, their management must be collective, transparent and not bureaucracy. Its decisions must be taken by all member countries, especially developing countries, not only by donors or bureaucratic administrators.

Technology transfer to developing countries

13) Innovation and technology related to climate change should be made public and not private under a patent monopoly hinders and encourages their transfer to countries developing.

14) The products are the result of public funding for innovation and technology development should be placed in the public domain and not under a private regime patent [7] so that they can be freely accessible to developing countries development.

15) Encourage and improve the licensing system and mandatory for all countries can access products and patented quickly and free of charge. Developed countries can not treat patents and intellectual property rights as something "sacred" that must be preserved at any cost. The regime of flexibility that exists for intellectual property rights, when it comes to serious public health problems, must be adapted and expanded substantially to heal Mother Earth.

16) To collect and promote best practices in harmony with the nature of indigenous peoples over the centuries have proved sustainable.

Adaptation and mitigation with the participation of all the people

17) Promote activities, programs and plans for mitigation and adaptation with the participation of local communities and indigenous peoples in the framework of full respect and implementation of the Declaration of United Nations Convention on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The best tool to meet the challenge of climate change are not market mechanisms, but human beings organized, conscious, motivated and provided with identity.

18) Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation should be based on a compensation mechanism Direct developed to developing countries, through a sovereign implementation to ensure broad participation of indigenous peoples and local communities, and a mechanism for monitoring, reporting and verification transparent and public.
One United Nations Environment and Climate Change

19) We need a World Environment and Climate Change which is subordinated to the multilateral trade and financial organizations to promote a different model of development-friendly nature and solve the serious problems of poverty. This organization must have effective mechanisms for monitoring, verification and punishment to meet present and future agreements.

20) is essential to structurally transform the World Trade Organization, the World Bank, IMF and the international economic system as a whole, to ensure fair trade and complementary funding without conditions for sustainable development avoids the waste of natural resources and fossil fuels in production processes, trade and transportation of products.

In this process of negotiations towards Copenhagen is fundamental to guarantee active participation at national, regional and global of all our people, particularly those most affected as indigenous peoples have always promoted the defense of Mother Earth.

Humanity is capable of saving the planet if we recover the principles of solidarity, complementarity and harmony with nature, as opposed to the rule of competition, profits and consumption of natural resources.

November 28, 2008

Evo Morales President of Bolivia


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