Thursday, May 27, 2010

Lita Vs Mickiejamesbra Andpantiesmatch

- LOGROÑO 2010

May 21 On Friday we leave from the High Performance Centre of Sant Cugat towards Logroño to compete in the Championship of Spain's Federation of Combined Events.
Often, those who are dedicated to this decathlon (or heptathlon) we feel that we are the poor relation of the athletics family, and may be so, as the athletes themselves, the true stars of the event, are forced to perform tasks not should realize, however that is what makes them different, his humility and his ability to work. Loaded

the poles in the van began the journey as puppeteers those groups of wanderers from other periods, under a heavy sun that we can only support thanks to air conditioning. My injury prevents me get behind the wheel, and are forced to drive during the first leg Imanol and Jordi the second half. No flinching, no even with the deafening noise of the trunk, even when the air conditioner stops working and then understand that this can be the best championship I've lived federations responsible. Once past is easier said, I know, but by now you already know when things are going well and when not, because we have seen in all colors.
On Friday we arrived at the track and we get a sort of warm snow in the form of thousands of white fluff flying through the air carried by the wind and stick to the skin and mucous membranes so annoying. We make a small warming, we collect the bibs, talked with fellow competitors from other communities and we will the hotel.
During dinner, Albert breaks the ice with a long succession of anecdotes provokes laughter from everyone, including the waitress, and for a while I have the feeling of having dinner with my friends.

great championship results:
Imanol, first in the combined absolute personal best and win including disk tests and 400, despite the blunder of the length, 6,540 dots ... Jordi Alsina
third with personal mark on several tests, first victory in the pole vault and decathlon above 6000 points. Total 6010. Tamara

season record 4784 points, finally leaving behind the harsh winter (or maybe I should change v by f?).
Marian, that during the weekend has caught talking like a combinera, personal brand in the combined (4,200) personal brand in everything but hurdles (things combi).
addition, the Catalan team has been victorious male in a tight race to finish with our friends in Valencia, for many tests, the difference between the two groups was below 15 points.
could not be all good, the only negative note was the relapse of Albert in his injury and accident Clara on billboards, both were forced to leave the first test of change, and from here they send all the encouragement for a speedy recovery ... (But especially to recover well.) addition this has been a very special tournament for all who train in Barberà, since we were traveling to Logrono to cut off part of the heart. At the end of Saturday, just complete the 400m. became an act of homage to Ismael Gonzalez. A particularly emotional moment where the combined English offered him a minute of silence to our colleague and friend.
emphasize what Marcos said Moreno, a former decathlete organizer of the event:


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Best Split Ac For The Year


En el día de la fecha y en la ciudad de Martín Coronado, Buenos Aires. Nos reunimos en el Noviciado del Instituto imc, representantes de los misioneros/as de la Consolata : imc, Padre Daniel Bertea; mc Hnas. Maria Elena Ossa y Mari Carmen Velazco y lmc Adriana Rojas, SR. Miguel, Mario Miranda y Rosario Galeano.
El motivo de este encuentro fue analizar, en base a las pautas y consignas dadas en el mes de enero del corriente, los resultados de la misión conjunta llevada a cabo por los misioneros/as de la Consolata : imc, mc y lmc, en los Barrios Arco Iris, San Eduardo y Parque del Sol, en enero del 2010, en la localidad de Merlo, Pcia. de Buenos Aires.
Este evento se realizó en el marco de festejo de los cien años del Instituto de las Hnas mc.
La 1º misión nacional conjunta de los misioneros/as de las Consolata: Padres, Hnas. y Laicos      fue motivadora porque animó y reavivó el espíritu de toda esta Familia Allamaniana Consolatina.
Según las respuestas de las distintas evaluaciones dadas, por la gran mayoría de los participantes de esta misión, este evento misionero fue muy positivo en toda su amplitud, con algunas cuestiones organizativas a tener en cuenta para mejorar.
En mayoría absoluta se pidió que haya una continuidad de la misión nacional conjunta como una gran familia allamaniana consolatina. Pero el como, el cuando y el donde va a ser parte de un proceso de vinculación permanente que se tendrá que ir trabajando en los distintos lugares que están los imc, las mc y los lmc.
Con respecto a la continuación de la misión en los barrios visitados en enero, ya desde la Parroquia de Pompeya, a cargo de los imc, se tomaron algunas iniciativas como: visitas a las familias, dar catequesis, confirmación y la celebración de misas en el lugar misionado, aquí algunos lmc de Merlo colaboran con los Padres.
En cuanto al dinero que quedó de los fondos destinados para la misión, se destinará a las distintas necesidades que vayan surgiendo del lugar misionado, además se sugirió que se dolarizara la plata para que no se devaluara su valor.
Los Padres imc pidieron que se elaborara una memoria with all information and data to be archived as a document which is reflected in the mission.
In an effort to continue to build links and animated by that spirit that we left the joint mission, already are taking some initiatives, for example:
The participation of the national coordinator of lay that are accompanied by the Sisters. mc, at the national meeting of delegates lmc encouraged by parents, they did extend this invitation. This event will be held in San Francisco, Córdoba in mid May.
From Formosa, is calling for the feast day of the Consolata and 100 years of the mc Institute. This June 20, the Mass will be presided by Bishop Warren, Bishop of Formosa. S invitation was extended to the communities of the Flia . Allamaniana Consolatina Jujuy, Salta and Chaco, to celebrate together.
linking Another initiative is the visit of the Consolata pilgrimage, the centennial mc. to Novitiate Community imc, Martin Coronado, Buenos Aires in October.
Finally there is the intention that the whole family Buenos Aires consolatina allamaniana celebrates the day of the Consolata and the centenary with the Sisters, in Moreno.

this mission undoubtedly set a great precedent, and we must pray that God willing, you will be able to continue through the permanent link between all / as those that make up this great family allamaniana consolatina, with styles different lives, but the only spirit to follow the precepts of the Blessed Fr José Allamano to draw even more and announce more firmly to our Lord Jesus Christ and his project of life for all mankind.
Mario Miranda lmc

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Milena Velba Cleaning The House

colleague Jose From Venezuela

Dear Brothers
This weekend we had our meeting with all members of our community ... It was a fraternal moment we could find all those living in the living barquisimeto out.
We had the great gift to have for the first time in our meeting with Ana, the wife of Adrian and Yorleis, San cristobal young missionary who join our community to make way ...
this weekend in a family atmosphere and easy to share we had a time of reflection based on Chapter loved and called the book "the love you so", from which we continually find interesting items for deepen the experience of charisma.

time in the second meeting, held on Sunday, share and discuss on various points, which we reached the following agreements:

1.-With respect to the issues raised in his email of April 25, they talk about the joint conference. Wilmer was proposed request and send Ginet audiovisual material on missionary work, so that we can edit any video or material Therefore, allowing us to promote what they do and look for sponsors and benefactors to give a constant contribution to them.
We have also talked about what it takes to write an email to wilmer Ginet and wondering about the real needfor they have as a family, whether now or future, also thinking of creating conditions for when they return ... Before a possible support for our What do they think can it be? Help with some input to a current need in the mission? or attend some situations here that will facilitate their return? Given what

raised, the question arose between us on the legal identity of the lmc:
How goes it? which is ahead? that steps have been taken?
identity as it is easier to obtain such resources.

addition, it is necessary to note that, God willing, will not be long for an increase in the lay brothers who will be in mission lands and which we provide our support as a community.

2.-With respect to the Invitation to the Assembly on June 14: how can they go? There are some criteria for choosing those involved? 3.-To

05 June we will have our next meeting, which will meet here in the camp only to barquisisimeto and our brothers of Merida and San Cristobal will gather in Mérida.

4.-As part of our training plan for July are organizing a retreat weekend. Proposed date 03 to 05 July. in Merida and San Cristobal. Adrian and Anna will be responsible for seeking adequate retirement home to do so. are all invited ... 5.-

about the Missionary Anmación suggested going to structure a proposal missionary animation in the Universities, Ana vowed to go to shape this initiative, in which we can provide all.
Also, in August tendreos Missionary Camp, where we can share as a community. Notify those interested ... 6.-

seeks to take up the commitment to walk and lay community for the procession of the Divine Shepherdess in January 2011.

Yorleis 7.-budget will search for Ring a flannel serve us for meetings and gatherings in which we participate as a community. Seek costs according to various models proposed and sent to each according to his taste, with the same green color we chose.

Well, brothers only remains to say that our meeting was a gift from God that allows us to continue to grow in love, brotherhood and the spirit Missionary
I embrace with great brotherly love

Dear colleagues went ahead with God's favor yesterday we had the monthly meeting of the lay community Caracas: 1 .-
as agreed continue studying the book The Quiet really is resulting interesamte as a training element, remember that the two communities and the group of Maracay we assumed in our national meeting and the annual commitment. 2.-

So we're thinking of a "wheel of solidarity" with our Mission in Mexico where our partners and Ginette Wilmer with parents continue their mission, would be as we have done for Mission Clarines where everyone contributes something, ask them how much podiramos to bear? lbertad leave it to each one? or each points to a possible amount? let us know the views, you better a raffle? profondo activity?.
May 15 will be the second meeting in preparation for the Walk to P. Claudio. 3.-Parent
and sisters in their meeting interesting conjutnta estimate serioa particpate in the meeting of June will be between 14-17 days in June that according to the potential good that everyone gets the possible spaces for department participated.
4 .- Attached is the letter of the regional superior realizes the life of the region are welcome to send.
Well we all in union of prayer and trials, please advise if they came to make sure that emails are correct. Jose Luis Andrade

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Module Mudroom Lockers

's too I do not write, and not very well because today I am compelled to do so.

Maybe I need to thank all who have given us so much your show of support.

this afternoon about a week ago of the fatal event (not to call it).

This weekend is the Absolute Championship Combined Events Catalonia 2010, this competition was to be the first in which we would work together in competition ... (The National computer does not have absolute, as Ismael out of an injury and not a serious planteamosde). Unfortunately they may be, however sion I would think that he will be on our side, helping to correct disk Dani, Imanol on the pole, with Andrea in the height ...

am only able to imagine a smiling Ishmael, I have never been able to see angry, and I hope that smile of his with us and help us move forward, enjoying the day day as he did.