Thursday, May 27, 2010

Lita Vs Mickiejamesbra Andpantiesmatch

- LOGROÑO 2010

May 21 On Friday we leave from the High Performance Centre of Sant Cugat towards Logroño to compete in the Championship of Spain's Federation of Combined Events.
Often, those who are dedicated to this decathlon (or heptathlon) we feel that we are the poor relation of the athletics family, and may be so, as the athletes themselves, the true stars of the event, are forced to perform tasks not should realize, however that is what makes them different, his humility and his ability to work. Loaded

the poles in the van began the journey as puppeteers those groups of wanderers from other periods, under a heavy sun that we can only support thanks to air conditioning. My injury prevents me get behind the wheel, and are forced to drive during the first leg Imanol and Jordi the second half. No flinching, no even with the deafening noise of the trunk, even when the air conditioner stops working and then understand that this can be the best championship I've lived federations responsible. Once past is easier said, I know, but by now you already know when things are going well and when not, because we have seen in all colors.
On Friday we arrived at the track and we get a sort of warm snow in the form of thousands of white fluff flying through the air carried by the wind and stick to the skin and mucous membranes so annoying. We make a small warming, we collect the bibs, talked with fellow competitors from other communities and we will the hotel.
During dinner, Albert breaks the ice with a long succession of anecdotes provokes laughter from everyone, including the waitress, and for a while I have the feeling of having dinner with my friends.

great championship results:
Imanol, first in the combined absolute personal best and win including disk tests and 400, despite the blunder of the length, 6,540 dots ... Jordi Alsina
third with personal mark on several tests, first victory in the pole vault and decathlon above 6000 points. Total 6010. Tamara

season record 4784 points, finally leaving behind the harsh winter (or maybe I should change v by f?).
Marian, that during the weekend has caught talking like a combinera, personal brand in the combined (4,200) personal brand in everything but hurdles (things combi).
addition, the Catalan team has been victorious male in a tight race to finish with our friends in Valencia, for many tests, the difference between the two groups was below 15 points.
could not be all good, the only negative note was the relapse of Albert in his injury and accident Clara on billboards, both were forced to leave the first test of change, and from here they send all the encouragement for a speedy recovery ... (But especially to recover well.) addition this has been a very special tournament for all who train in Barberà, since we were traveling to Logrono to cut off part of the heart. At the end of Saturday, just complete the 400m. became an act of homage to Ismael Gonzalez. A particularly emotional moment where the combined English offered him a minute of silence to our colleague and friend.
emphasize what Marcos said Moreno, a former decathlete organizer of the event:



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