Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Milena Velba Cleaning The House

colleague Jose From Venezuela

Dear Brothers
This weekend we had our meeting with all members of our community ... It was a fraternal moment we could find all those living in the living barquisimeto out.
We had the great gift to have for the first time in our meeting with Ana, the wife of Adrian and Yorleis, San cristobal young missionary who join our community to make way ...
this weekend in a family atmosphere and easy to share we had a time of reflection based on Chapter loved and called the book "the love you so", from which we continually find interesting items for deepen the experience of charisma.

time in the second meeting, held on Sunday, share and discuss on various points, which we reached the following agreements:

1.-With respect to the issues raised in his email of April 25, they talk about the joint conference. Wilmer was proposed request and send Ginet audiovisual material on missionary work, so that we can edit any video or material Therefore, allowing us to promote what they do and look for sponsors and benefactors to give a constant contribution to them.
We have also talked about what it takes to write an email to wilmer Ginet and wondering about the real needfor they have as a family, whether now or future, also thinking of creating conditions for when they return ... Before a possible support for our What do they think can it be? Help with some input to a current need in the mission? or attend some situations here that will facilitate their return? Given what

raised, the question arose between us on the legal identity of the lmc:
How goes it? which is ahead? that steps have been taken?
identity as it is easier to obtain such resources.

addition, it is necessary to note that, God willing, will not be long for an increase in the lay brothers who will be in mission lands and which we provide our support as a community.

2.-With respect to the Invitation to the Assembly on June 14: how can they go? There are some criteria for choosing those involved? 3.-To

05 June we will have our next meeting, which will meet here in the camp only to barquisisimeto and our brothers of Merida and San Cristobal will gather in Mérida.

4.-As part of our training plan for July are organizing a retreat weekend. Proposed date 03 to 05 July. in Merida and San Cristobal. Adrian and Anna will be responsible for seeking adequate retirement home to do so. are all invited ... 5.-

about the Missionary Anmación suggested going to structure a proposal missionary animation in the Universities, Ana vowed to go to shape this initiative, in which we can provide all.
Also, in August tendreos Missionary Camp, where we can share as a community. Notify those interested ... 6.-

seeks to take up the commitment to walk and lay community for the procession of the Divine Shepherdess in January 2011.

Yorleis 7.-budget will search for Ring a flannel serve us for meetings and gatherings in which we participate as a community. Seek costs according to various models proposed and sent to each according to his taste, with the same green color we chose.

Well, brothers only remains to say that our meeting was a gift from God that allows us to continue to grow in love, brotherhood and the spirit Missionary
I embrace with great brotherly love

Dear colleagues went ahead with God's favor yesterday we had the monthly meeting of the lay community Caracas: 1 .-
as agreed continue studying the book The Quiet really is resulting interesamte as a training element, remember that the two communities and the group of Maracay we assumed in our national meeting and the annual commitment. 2.-

So we're thinking of a "wheel of solidarity" with our Mission in Mexico where our partners and Ginette Wilmer with parents continue their mission, would be as we have done for Mission Clarines where everyone contributes something, ask them how much podiramos to bear? lbertad leave it to each one? or each points to a possible amount? let us know the views, you better a raffle? profondo activity?.
May 15 will be the second meeting in preparation for the Walk to P. Claudio. 3.-Parent
and sisters in their meeting interesting conjutnta estimate serioa particpate in the meeting of June will be between 14-17 days in June that according to the potential good that everyone gets the possible spaces for department participated.
4 .- Attached is the letter of the regional superior realizes the life of the region are welcome to send.
Well we all in union of prayer and trials, please advise if they came to make sure that emails are correct. Jose Luis Andrade


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