Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How To Sew In A Weave With A Fringe

Francisco Pérez Mateo, sculptor

A commemorative plaque, a typical metal diamond cheapie of the City of Madrid in the Calle de Pedro Justo Dorado Dellmans, next to Avenida De Queen Victoria, Address to the University, has put me on the trail of the Catalan sculptor Francisco Pérez Mateo, who died tragically in the defense of Madrid in 1936. Valeriano says this sculptor Bozal that in his time, was one of the two most important sculptors of the country (The other was Emiliano Barral) and at the time of his disappearance was " upon creative tension" 1 .

According to data obtained by his biographer, historian and art critic, Josefina Alix, Francisco Pérez Mateo (1903-1936) 2 , was born in Barcelona. His father, a humble waiter, he occupied the post of "maitre" of the Hotel Colon, one of the most important of Barcelona, \u200b\u200ba meeting of politicians, businessmen and intellectuals. He attended college where he began Escolapis woodcarving artistic purposes, while it began to dawn on him an interest in sports and outdoor life. In Barcelona the young Francis contacted Noucentisme and new avant-garde trends.

In 1919 the family moved to Madrid, where his father works as a "maitre" in the Hotel Paris in the Puerta del Sol, while Francis was educated at the Escuela de San Fernando from 1919 to 1923, garnering excellent results. In the school made great friends, especially with Antonio Alix and Cristino Mallo with whom he shared intellectual interests and sports

Mateo Perez was in favor of "direct carving" against the "modeling" and watch stone working the office of the stonecutters, learning his technique. His first work was a "Nude male " , awarded honorable mention and travel bag at the National Exhibition of Fine Arts. With the money bag in 1925 traveled to Paris where he came into contact with the work of other sculptors cutting-edge e Bourdelle. On his return sculpts "Child Archer, missing work, like many others theirs. Return to Paris on a second trip in two years later (1927).

In 1928 enters the aesthetic field of the New Objectivity, which is characterized by austerity in ways towards realism verismo. That same year she won the National Award Sculpture by a Source-bank dedicated to children.

1929-30 Towards a new theme appears in his work, sports and opts for revolutionary ideology in direct relation to the Communist Party. He also teaches at the Trade Training Centre in Madrid. Obtained by a teaching contest drawing Acting at the Institute of Vilanova i la Geltrú, and then, in 1935, a headline in Manresa, resided during the years in Barcelona.

Civil War surprised him in Madrid. Conviction entered in the Alliance of Antifascist Intellectuals for the Defense of Madrid and is obsessed with the idea that his place was en el frente. Se integra en los cuarteles del Quinto Regimiento y con el grado de alférez marcha con el batallón Comuna de París al frente de Carabanchel. Allí encontró la muerte, sin que se conozcan las circunstancias. Su cuerpo nunca apareció.

En el Pabellón español de la Exposición Universal de París, de 1937, se le rindió un homenaje con la exposición de algunas obras suyas, “ La bañista ” y el bajorelieve de “ Los nadadores ”, hoy en paradero desconocido 3 . La escultura de Picasso “ La dama oferente ”, allí expuesta, estuvo dedicada a Pérez Mateos Barral and the two sculptors died in the civil war.

In 1982, he submitted a sample of his work in the Faculty of Fine Arts from the University Complutense of Madrid and in 2002 a retrospective exhibition of his work at the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, both curated by historian and critic art, Josefina Alix 4.

is a pity that the loss of almost all his work, admirable only in old photographs, do not allow better understanding and appreciation of this artist, victim, like many other English, a terrible and bloody civil war. At least this little remembrance, serve the walker to dedicate a memorial to his memory and all that died unjustly

© Manuel Martínez Bargueño
February 2011

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1. Muzzle Valeriano. "Art History in Spain." Basics Collection. Editorial Istmo, 1972. p.367.

2. Volume data of the article i Ramón Balius Juli " Francisco Pérez Mateo (1903-1936): a sculptor hidden and ignored " Physical Education and Sports Apunts 83 1st quarter 2006 (77-81). The information in this article are drawn from the work of Josefina Alix Francisco Pérez Mateo. " Sculptor (1903-1936) ", catalog of the exhibition at the Reina Sofía.

3. Although arrived at the Museum of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bafter exposure, were withdrawn by "individuals" and were never found.

4. Josefina Alix. "Francisco Pérez Mateo." Sculptor (1903-1936 ). "Reina Sofia Museum, 2002.


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