Saturday, February 19, 2011

Why Do Women Retain Water When On Their Period

The Free Institution of Education. A walk sentimental (I)

The Free Institution of Education, founded by a group of liberal professors headed by Don Francisco Giner de los Ríos 1 , is a major event in the history of the culture of our country. Arising within an enlightened bourgeoisie, the Free Institution of Education (hereinafter, ILE) is proposed to replace the old despotism prevailed in Spain during the Restoration Canovist by new leaders who knew to bring cultural and moral renewal that the country needed. His influence in the period 1898-1936 was remarkable and it realizes the long list of accomplishments, direct creation or inspiration from these institution: the Institute of Social Reforms, Centre for Historical Studies, School Institute, the Residencia de Estudiantes Board of Advanced Studies or Educational Missions.

Accountant course we are not here, even briefly, the story of " The Free Institution of Education and its environment " 2 , already counted in an accurate and personal, Antonio Jimenez-Landi in four volumes and from other positions and backgrounds, Professor of Contemporary History at the Universidad Complutense, Vicente Cacho Viu 3. Our aim is more modest, and wandering down to visit, and while some comments, those places and buildings that were home to the institution and its foundations, which in 1976, as did Luis Carandell coincide with the centenary of his creation 4 .

The ILE was established as a joint stock company on March 10, 1876. His first shareholders, number 201, representing virtually liberal Spain in all spheres: political, cultural and economic. Its first home was in a rented flat in the Rue de Esparteros 9 (now No. 11) and then on the street Infantas 42, to installation, from September 1, 1884 in a villa with garden situated in the Paseo del Obelisco (known since 1914 of the General Martínez Campos) Number 8 (current 14 and 16) in what was then the outskirts of Madrid 5


was a project for installation on the Paseo de la Castellana, in what was then the Deaf and Blind School and is currently the Army College. The project included the construction of a house of education for three hundred students with an area of \u200b\u200balmost 10,000 m2 to house, apart from the main building, " workshops for crafts, gym, bathrooms and showers gallery, swimming pool, gardens Froebel, crop field, botanical garden, greenhouse and field " 6

The fifth or possession of recreational ride from the Obelisk, was acquired in 1887, a particular, Jesus Antonio de Noguerol, retired military, the report of the architects Joaquín Arnáiz Kramer, Emilio Rodríguez Ayuso and Jose Maria Laredo, in the amount of 115,000 pesetas. According to Jimenez-Landi consisted of the main building, garden and other secondary buildings. The main building facades had paths, the Paseo del Obelisco and garden, and two habitable floors. Settled down in the secretariat, headed by the bust of Julian Sanz del Rio, the library and the home goalkeeper. On the second floor was home to Don Francisco and

In this room the ILE could fully develop its educational project to complete General education cycle (Toddler, Primary and Secondary) in a natural space that favored games, sports (then built a pediment) and contact with nature .

In 1908, the earliest buildings were added two new flags, one for the nursery and primary classes, following the old chapel, and south facade, built by Bernardo Giner de los Ríos so-called flag Giner, and another along the western wall of the garden to accommodate the second section and the test Macpherson, built by Joachim Kramer Arnaiz, known as flag Soler. Both pavilions have design features, functional and aesthetic very similar. Were isolated buildings surrounded by gardens, with spacious classrooms and hygienic laboratories and carpentry workshop (in Hall Nursery) .

education on these levels of education, wrote José María Marco following:

" applied a pedagogy inspired by romantic and sentimental ideas. It was a general trend, even in religious education. But the institution carried further. The child carries with it the germ of all that will be like a man complete. The educator has to discover and make the child discovered that almost divine seed from which the child is carrying unconscious. The teaching becomes education, teacher educator, the student and student learning in a kind of epiphany. Secondary education he would become an extension of the primary examinations were abolished, programs and textbooks ... " 7.

All this so beautiful, finished in 1940, after the civil war. A decree of May 17, 1940 declaring the ILE application to the Decree of the National Defence Council September 13, 1936 which ordered the seizure of property parties and organizations opposing the National Movement. The Decree of 1940 considered "special prevention the Free Institution of Education, for his notorious acts contrary to the ideals of the New State ", leaving their property under the Ministry of National Education " to fulfill its cultural associations in the form that its holder may wish to " 8.

With respect to the seat of Martinez Campos, the date of the seizure had been looted and destroyed the library, laboratory furniture and teaching materials. In the garden "a Falangists group "cut down trees and bushes, saving only a centennial acacia front gable and a privet at the entrance.

After the occupation of the premises by the Francoist authorities, some flags were reforms to adapt to the educational needs of the Grupo Escolar Joaquín Sorolla, installed there (1942-45). It tore down the flag of the former chemical-chapel, and the bottom of the garden buildings in the southern sharecropping farm, replacing the latter a new pavilion. Later the offices were set up School Food Service (1955) and finally National College "Eduardo Marquina" (1980).

With the advent of democracy arises as a matter of strict justice the return of the assets of the defunct ILE his legitimate "heir" Fundación Francisco Giner de los Ríos. In November 1982, the Madrid City Council returned the historic seat of the ILE to the Foundation which had resumed its activities in 1978, although the realization of such refund had no effect until 1985, that run up the educational activities of the College "Eduardo Marquina" 9.

In 1987 he made the modernization and updating of the activities and replanted the garden. Fortunately, with minor alterations, the building retained the house where they lived and Cossío Giner Martínez Campos with facades, canopies and Giner Macpherson and other support facilities, including in 1993 Precatalogue unique interesting buildings, the three main buildings (although the Administrative Litigation Division of the Superior Court of Justice Judgement 86/2010 Madrid has rejected the institution of record statement of cultural interest to the campus of the Free Institution of Teaching).

In 1999, Foundation commissioned Teresa Jimenez-Landi, historical research is needed to develop information memory prior to the signing in July 2003 of an agreement between the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Community of Madrid, the Fundación Caja Madrid, Fundación Francisco Giner de los Rios and the Residencia de Estudiantes to undertake an "architectural work" with a view to restore the facilities and provide the ILE of a new building, with a payment of twenty million euros, payable in equal and anticipation of completion of the works for 2007 10 . The project won the competition held, skewed more to the replacement of the old buildings that his rehabilitation has been from the beginning at the apex of the controversy and a large group of intellectuals and elite, including descendants of Institution, said in defense of the historic buildings of the institution and against execution Project material 11 Despite the protests, the general indifference, Giner Hall was demolished in 2008 and the garden is not even a hierbecita as Laura Alfonseca complaint Giner 12.

With this information in mind, I've come to number 14 Paseo del General Martínez Campos and doors of the landmark building of the institution, which is closed while the solar rear patio before the workers and machines are busy demolishing their work. I make some pictures testimony, before deciding to ring the bell. I opened an employee who tells me to my interest that "everything is turned upside down" and that the work will not end for another two years. I leave with some sadness that I share with all sensible people, the loss of these unique buildings and their surroundings, rather, find, and irreparable.

© Manuel Martínez Bargueño
February, 2011

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1. Laureano Figuerola, Eugenio Montero Rios, Sigismund Moret, Nicolás Salmerón, Francisco Giner de los Rios, Augusto G. Linares, Gumersindo de Azcarate, Laureano Calderon, Juan Antonio Garcia and Jacinto Labiano Mesía were the founders.

2. Antonio Jimenez-Landi Martinez " The Free Institution of Education and environment." Universidad Complutense, 1996. For this work Jimenez-Landi received the National Prize for History 1997.

3. Vicente Cacho Viu " The independent teaching institution. I. Origins and university stage (1860-1881) . Editorial Rialp 1962. This work was National Literature Prize 1962. Reprint in Fundación Albéniz / SECC, 2010.

4. Luis Carandell. " Free Institution of Education. A sentimental journey." Notebooks for Dialogue, April 3, 1976.

5. " The General Martínez Campos ride may have developed mostly by hotels and other private buildings, whose more modern buildings there is a test of good taste that claims the most noble English style. Until recently it remained open, and sometimes sown cereals, the so-called field of the friars, now a sports field, where games are organized large "foot-ball" game that has come to be so passionate and public as bullfighting. That same stadium was used during the last festival del Carmen to set up an exhibition of small industries in the district of Chamberí, dances and festivals held there during the nights of much of the summer "(Pedro de repid" The streets of Madrid "Afrodisio Aguado, fourth edition, 1981. p.297).

6. Manuel Bartolomé Cossio " Free Educational Institution Building V" Figure coast. Madrid, June 8, 1882. Volume IV, Number 16, pages 188 and 192 (can be found online).

7. José María Marco. " Successful Free Institution of Education." El Mundo, October 25, 2001.

8. The new government would grudge against ILE had its most glaring in the collective book " A powerful secret force. Free Educational Institution "Editorial English. San Sebastian 1940, in which the author, with Fernando Martin-Sanchez Julia in the lead, trying to demonstrate the connection between the institution and Freemasonry.

9. These data are taken from

10. El Mundo, December 22, 2002.

11. See the website in defense of the buildings of the Free Educational Institution

12. see https: / / / entry "Toddler Pavilion Giner. A demolition announced "By Enrique Fidel


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