Monday, April 5, 2010

Anasol Vs Preperation H

2 nd Meeting of Pedagogy Allamaniana

Entre los días 31 de Marzo y 4 de Abril se reunieron en Bucaramanga (Colombia ) misioneros, missionaries, lay educators working in schools and educational processes in our continent. The aim of the meeting was what to think about:
ü values \u200b\u200bnel Allamano spirituality of the training process - sharing experiences do has been done in different schools, how can you be to enhance eses values \u200b\u200bin educational processes and teaching methods. Ü
As assess the mission in the formative process - convening for the mission - knowledge of the mission - sharing the mission.
ü   Promover intercambios a nivel continental y posiblemente a nivel intercontinental entre los colegios, favoreciendo la interculturalidad y las riquezas culturales y educativas de los pueblos donde estamos presentes.

Durante los tres días se procuró compartir los diferentes procesos y caminos llevados en los diferentes colegios y caminos formativos, teniendo presente la espiritualidad de nuestro Fundador, el Beato José Allamano y concretizar caminos de comunión y condivisón for the future. It was truly an area of \u200b\u200bmutual enrichment and sharing.
You should go to strengthen those areas to meet and go feed the sharing of different ways to strengthen the network Allamaniana reflection on the pedagogy / methodology of our founder and grow the domestic mission of our schools and training processes. ~


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