Thursday, April 22, 2010

Cheap Veteran Flag Holders

Da: Coordenação Europeia LMC LMC communists da America, Africa and Europ

Madrid, February 7, 2010

Dear Brothers and Sisters, On behalf

LMC communities present in Europe, to do you write a proposal to hold an international meeting of the Lay Missionaries of the Consolation. . After several meetings already performed in Europe (Lisbon 2007, Lisbon 2008 and Madrid 2010), Africa (Kenya 2009) and America (London 2010), we think it is time to dream up a meeting with the LMC from the three continents.

The main objectives of this meeting will be:
- know ourselves to each other and share the realities of CML and the paths taken in the different regions where we operate;
- giving Insititute IMC and MC, who are preparing their General Chapter in 2011, a strong signal from the route taken by the LMC in different continents, the family spirit that unites us, despite the diversity of forms and contexts that characterize our way of be secular community;
- the places that represent the roots of the Family of Consolata (where the founder was born and raised and where he founded a missionary Institutes Consolata) and Christianity.

The Meeting will be held in Italy from 9 to 16 January 2011. The program envisages that some days are spent in Turin, and others in Rome. The LMC Europe due to their work commitments, will be present at the meeting especially on weekend 14-16 January.

At the meeting, should attend at least one representative from each region (preferably two). This should be an active member of the lay community of its region and will be chosen by same.
To prepare the international meeting, each region should prepare a presentation of their reality LMC, specifying the following points:
- the story of the Lay Missionaries of the Consolation in the Region;
- communities that currently exist and its members;
- the organizational form of Regional or Continental CML;
- community activities LMC "ad intra" (animation, justice and peace, life styles, ...);
- the missionary experiences "ad extra" past and present;
- the prospects for the next three years at a regional level.

To facilitate the organization do encontro, pedimos para comunicarem até ao fim do mês de Junho de 2010 a disponibilidade de participar no encontro com um ou dois representantes. Faremos todos os esforços para considerar as várias dificuldades financeiras, a fim de permitir que todas as regiões que queiram participar possam ser representadas.
Logo que possível, estará disponível na secção LMC do site, o programa do encontro, a carta-convite, o formulário de inscrição e outras informações úteis. Para quaisquer dúvidas, esclarecimentos, dúvidas e sugestões, é favor contactar as seguintes pessoas:
- Padre Paco Lopez, conselheiro geral do continente Europa:
- Irmã Cesariana Corioni,
- Diego Aguilar, LMC da Região Itália:

Com a esperança de que a Quaresma seja para cada um de nós um caminho de verdadeira conversão, e que a Páscoa nos traga a alegria de Cristo ressuscitado, aguardamos os vossos comentários, sugestões e confirmações.

Saudações fraternas de paz e consolação.

A Coordenação Europeia dos Leigos Missionários da Consolata.


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