Monday, April 5, 2010

Friendship Bracelets Music Note Instructions


On Saturday 27 March, was a retreat of the two communities lmc (imc-mc) of Buenos Aires, in the resort Martin Coronado. The same was prepared by the lmc, which are accompanied and encouraged by the Padres imc, especially by Father Daniel Bertea.

The retreat was attended by about fifty attendees, about, among which were the lmc Martin Coronado, Merlo and part of the Community the Novitiate.
This spiritual encounter was guided by Ms. Amalia lmc, we made a presentation on the topic: " History in the Kingdom of God."
introduction was made in which he stressed that the great purpose of our lives, should be the full enjoyment of God. Then he spoke of the presence of God and his Kingdom, in the historical development of peoples, for the Salvation thereof, to the redemption with the coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ, that brings us closer in friendship and love of God Father, sending His Spirit, making us responsible and continue his mission until Jesus comes to proclaim His glory, at the end of time: the ParucĂ­a .
After this exhibition Ms. Amalia made us part of temporal dynamics, through a film, in which We earned awareness of time elapsed since the thousands and millions of years since the first time God's creation with the formation of the earth and all its nature and the lowest elapsed time since the appearance of man in God's creation process. This temporary tape contained three important moments: Creation, Redemption with the arrival of Jesus and the Parousia.

To all present, this retreat was sealed with a great spiritual intensity, near Santa Week, for that to become aware of the gift of life creation, which God gave and gives us every minute of our lives, and for what we all have a great responsibility that we play in caring for all creation and feel the love and Mercy that God had, for us and we will, until the end of time.
That spiritual intensity was crowned with a time of Eucharistic Adoration, the Sacrament of Forgiveness and Celebration of Mass presided by Father Daniel and concelebrated by Father Mateo.

In the two communities of Buenos Aires LMC: Martin Coronado and Merlo, the retreat helped us to further strengthen ties and to start building through a process of mutual bonding, and always guided by the Holy Spirit, one way LMC, as decided in Sao Paulo Brazil, in the Continental.
appreciate the effort made by our brothers Martin Coronado LMC and LMC have invited them, the continent to be encouraged to walk together as a great Family Consolatina Allamaniana.

Happy Easter and Easter resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, to all of you.

Argentina Mario Miranda lmc


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