Thursday, April 22, 2010

Wresting Gear Designing Online

From: European Coordination FOR LMC: LMC Communities of America, Africa and Europe

Madrid, February 7, 2010

Dear brothers and sisters,

On behalf of LMC communities present in Europe we are writing to present the proposal for an international meeting of the Laity Consolata Missionaries. After the meetings, concluded, in Europe (Lisbon 2007, Lisbon 2008 and Madrid 2010), Africa (Kenya 2009) and America (Sao Paolo 2010) think it is time to "dream" a meeting of the LMC from the three continents.

The main objectives of the meeting could be:
- Getting to know each other and share knowledge and the paths made by the LMC in the various regions in which we are present;
- Giving Institutes IMC and MC, by the closeness of their General Chapters of 2011, a strong signal of the roads made by the LMC in different continents, from the family spirit that unites us with the variety of styles and diversity of contexts that characterizes our being lay communities;
- Visiting places that represent the roots of Family of the Consolata (where the founder was born, raised and has founded his missionary institutes) and Christianity.

The meeting would take place in Italy, from 9 to 16 January 2011. The program provides for some days at Turin, and others in Rome. The European LMC, in compatibility with their work commitments, will accompany the development of the game, especially during the weekend of 14-16 January.
The meeting should attend at least one representative (as far as possible two) for each region, selected from the LMC originating in the place and inserted in a lay community.
For participation in the international meeting, each region must prepare a presentation of the reality of the LMC itself, specifying the following:
- the history of lay missionaries of the Consolata in the Region;
- communities that exist today and its members;
- Regional organization and / Continental or the LMC;
- community activities LMC "ad intra" (animation, justice and peace, lifestyle, etc ...);
- Missionary experiences "ad extra" in the present and past;
- prospects for the next 3 years, provided a regional level.

To help organize the event, we ask you comuniquéis us before the end of June 2010, the willingness to participate with one or two representatives. We will attempt to address the possible economic downturn, with the aim of enabling all regions who wish to participate, be represented. ASAP
hang in the section of the website LMC the agenda of the meeting, the invitation letter, the registration form and other useful information. For questions, clarifications, questions and suggestions, please contact the following persons:
- Father Paco Lopez, IMC Director General for the European Continent:
- Sister Cesariana Corioni,
@ - Diego Aguilar, LMC Region Italy: diego.agui @
Con el deseo
la Cuaresma constituya that for each uno de nosotros un camino de Conversión verdadera, y que la Pascua / she brings in her glory of Christ Risen, hope y vuestra proposals adhesion. Un fraternal saludo

y Consolación peace. European

La Coordinadora de los de la Consolata Lay Misioneros.


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