Thursday, April 22, 2010

Dremel Nail Trimmers For Dogs In Canada

LMC Dear friends of the continent America,

Diego Aguilar, a LMC of Italy and member of the European Coordination of CML.

I am writing to inform you that at the last meeting of the Coordinating Committee (Madrid, 6-7 February 2010), it was decided to organize an international meeting of the LMC from the three continents (America, Africa and Europe).

The two DGs of IMC and MC have received our proposal, and after joint reflection, have decided to support.

Attached is a letter written by the European Coordination of CML, in English and Portuguese, which explains the objectives, dates, place and general rules of participation.
This same letter will also come through the missionaries and the Missionaries who accompany them, but to accelerate communication began to be sent directly between LMC and LMC.

I ask a favor of spreading it among all communities LMC of America, through the efficient network of contacts which have developed mainly around the continent.
You may also use the new blog consolataamerica, which is a wonderful tool to keep up with how things are going across the ocean!

look forward to receiving a response soon,
them a big hug greeting of brotherhood. Diego Aguilar


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