Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Cleaning Yourself After Going To The Bathroom


Fathers, Sisters and Lay Missionaries, we come together again as one family in the charism and spirituality of Blessed Allamano, so be one in the Proclamation of the Good News.
This happens because of deal together and from the two Institutes and mc-imc-and the lmc of Buenos Aires, a new mission in a neighborhood of the suburbs of Buenos Aires, here in the town of Merlo "Barrio Parque del Sol."
This place is held the 1 st joint mission organized by the whole family Allamaniana Consolatina of all provinces is the charism in Argentina, in January 2010.
Then the result of that mission and the many missionaries who have gone through this neighborhood, now faces the joint project, for it was formed a tripartite team-mc, imc, lmc. This team is traveling a road to lifelong spiritual insight, seeing the availability, role and profile of the lmc , in our case, but most of all watching what is the way that God and we are marking Consolata.
So this mission is an important precedent in the charism of the Consolata, because all decisions and projections, they to be joint, through a single computer to be accompanied and encouraged by parents imc (three), Sisters mc (six) lmc (seven, but the entire community accompanied Merlo lmc). Also imc novices and seminarians, missions other sectors of the area.
and then together as one spiritual family, today we find this mission "ad gentes" of proclaiming Jesus Christ, to every heart poor and alienated from the project of love, comfort and salvation, with guide and our Blessed Mother Joseph Allamano Consolata.
We covet your prayers, for everyone, we have every day of our lives a little bit of divine wisdom, humility and a heart more open to the permanent love to continue spreading hope, that a better world is possible in God.

Mario Miranda, Argentina lmc

How To Tie Your Bandana For Snowboarding

Square Remodeling Isabel II (Opera)

The chronicles the current Madrid Plaza de Isabel II (before Peral) was until the nineteenth century a ravine where they were going to stop the water from below the Plaza Mayor and supplying the consumption, through pipes, to the bathroom (a few years ago there was bathing establishments in the vicinity) and irrigation of the gardens of the Queen and of the Prioress who were where the Plaza de Oriente.

Famous Peral, also called Arrabal sources were in the square, right, as is the Calle del Arenal, about the same height, a little ahead of where today stands the Cine Teatro Real Cinema. These pipes were formed, after the reform of 1625, by a large granite basin and had six or seven tubes, separated from the stream that crossed what is now a large square parapet. Next were the washing of the town that consisted of fifty-seven cells and it was very crowded.

From the reign of Joseph I, "King squares, all the area was buried and until this has been because of the refurbishment of the Plaza de Isabel II and the Opera metro station appeared the remains of the ancient source of Peral and the City and the Community Madrid, acting jointly and with good reason, has decided that they enjoy locals and foreigners, creating a museum for contemplation within the platform of the subway station. The preparation of these archaeological remains, with an exhibition area of \u200b\u200b200 m2 has cost 22.1 million euros funded 50% by both administrations.

officially opened the works a few days ago, I turned to them on this Sunday morning, taking advantage of what today is rife due to the change to daylight saving time .

facilities, parts supply, water supply, sewerage museum artifacts by the architect Vicente Alberto Telleria-Paton and are magnificent, after restoration carried out by an archaeological team led by Eduardo Penedo and very well done the audisovisual " filmed by a director of the saga of the Trueba " 1 which can be seen sitting in the stands ready to effect. They are also very illustrative panels and report findings on each of the monumental risk. The source for the Peral is a section of the Ordinances of Urban and Rural Police of the City of Madrid and its surroundings, from 1847 which states that " The water carriers fill their tanks when they touch time, without giving rise to disputes and strife, in understanding that each turn is equivalent to a journey of either a large pitcher, and two medium and four cargo called. " More beautiful and can not write clearly.

On leaving me with the rejuvenated meeting place that gives me a strange feeling of emptiness which contributes to the hardness of the pavement and the lack of any landscaping, except for a still scrawny little trees that will shade the coming summer months. On one side, the place where he could be the original, has placed a replica of a pylon of the source, alluding to a legend, which goes almost unnoticed compared to the newsstand behind. Banks, English garden style, seem comfortable and I miss the fountain.

What looks good, projected onto the bottom of the front of the Teatro Real, where, in my opinion, on the posters, is the statue of Queen Elizabeth II, a replica of the one placed in 1850 by sculptor Joseph Valencia Piquer and Duart (1806-1871). In fact, this monument, the original, was funded by Manuel Lopez Santaella, commissioner general of the Crusade 2 , " whom the Count of San Luis persuaded to imitate something his predecessor Fernandez Varela, who paid for the statue de Cervantes ". What happened is that the inauguration of the monument, which cost 5,000 hard, did not have the brilliance of the former, it did not even attend the session. The locals of the time were suspended and fun when the next morning could read attached to the pedestal of the Statue of frivolous tabloid queen this holiday:

"Santaella, Isabel / financed the statue fair / and ordinary faithful echo / Santo says it is not him /

Santa nor her. "

The bracket and the character deserve an explanation. General Commissariat of the Holy Cross, was a 3 body that obtained by papal grant, substantial revenue from the sale of products of the Crusade (the bulls), and was abolished by royal decree of April 6, 1851, and its income applied by the State to the provision of worship and clergy . The then Commissioner, Father Lopez Santaella, was accused of extravagance and the Court of Auditors has demanded accountability. To justify Mr. Santaella published in 1859 a report on the administration of the Commissioner General of Crusade can be read on the internet (google eBook). The present statue of the Queen was built in 1944, as the former was destroyed in 1931, after the proclamation of the Republic, leaving only standing the pedestal. Fortunately could be a new cast in bronze, in the workshops of the brothers Codina, using a double marble then kept in the Museum of Modern Art 4 .

© Manuel Martínez Bargueño

March, 2011

If you have interested in this post and want to ask, comment or contribute something to repect can leave a comment or write my email manuelblas222@gmail.com with confidence be promptly addressed.

Spread among your friends this blog.

Thanks. Manuelblas


1. El País, March 24, 2011.

2. " The Commissioner General cross understands without limitation in the management, governmental and economic bunch of bulls and pardons quadragesimal. Another charge passes to give thanks apostolic pardons, revision and correctness of the books "I pray God" and other orders "(Ramon de Mesonero Romans." Manual Madrid. Description of the Court and the Villa ". Madrid, 1831, pçag. 98-99). Their offices were in the square of the Count of Barajas in the house called Fernan Nuñez.

3. Pedro de repid. " The streets of Madrid." A. Aguado S Afrodisio Fourth edition. April 1981, pg. 325.

4. Jose Maria Sanz García . "Madrid is well . Graphic representation of the Town and Court. I. hundred street Monuments . "Commercial Service Book 1955. Photo and text No. 61.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Tessalon Perles For Cough .l,ko

Sarna gladly Yes pica.

Photo: Salva Pou

Today, Saturday March 26, could "enjoy" a new day's morning promoting athletics in Terrassa. The quotes are necessary, since in this case, as in many others, the word has two senses. The literal and obvious: perceive or enjoy the products and profits of something,
joins once again, the irony:
receive, with resignation, moral or physical harm.
at 11:00 (I come later, hopefully). When you get to the installation of Can Jofresa, and see ten or twelve scattered crowds of future athletes for the different tests I am excited. This is something that, a priori, suggests that athletics has, or shall in future good health. four hours later, when I left without the racing had finished, my doubts that this future might be true had grown, had higher echo .
In recent years there have been a series of measures whose fruit is evident. The days of promoting more and more children. The consequence of this is that the days are endless. On Saturday, the tests began at ten, and three tests was announced that the high female infant was annulled, gave no reasons, but were also evident ... not complete a test in high that there was still some thirty children jumping ... What time would start the test female child? "At five, six?
I am a great lover of this sport, however, when I left the track I was wondering, what are we doing?
This was what was last year, and adopted the measure to exclude the cadets of this competition and create a kind of exclusive control to the cadet and youth categories, which I applaud. However, the problem remains the smaller categories. Six hours of competition, Saturday after Saturday is something that will end up boring monitors, and most terrible parents, children themselves.
What is the solution? Perhaps you should limit participation to a specific number of children, perhaps limiting the need to put the clubs themselves, may have to find an alternative solution other than these, but we must propose solutions that allow us to enjoy, without quotes, of these competitions.
We have taken the first step. We managed to bring athletics to the children. But are the hardest, keep them enjoying the game a long time, and that their training is the most appropriate.
happy not sting, but if not cured, scabies spreads, and ends up leaving to like.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Generator Rain Cover While It's Running

Da Região do Brasil

trabalham partilham no Brasil dois videos on Missionaries Opções eo Nosso as Founder. Molestation, and continue partilhem construindo to Missão. Causes
Blessed Joseph Allamano

Saturday, March 19, 2011

What Is Business Casual Attire For Evening Party?

Stories Library

The story can be defined as a short story, invented or real background whose two are characteristic features of conciseness and intensity. All the tension in a story plot that is distributed throughout the text, is concentrated in the few pages of a story. Gregorio Marañón wrote that "the story should always be a short story because it is almost exclusively schematic plot and argument "and Medardo Fraile says that" the story is rather brief, it requires great strength . " Unlike the novel, the story offends the sensibilities of a coup, is a light that is reflected in the look and soon the reader's memory .

There are many classifications of stories. Depending on the vehicle of transmission: oral (they are fashionable again storytellers), literary writings in prose and verse, by reason of the subject or theme, the stories can be fantastic (insurmountable the Italo Calvino), mystery , traditional, folk, historical background, science fiction, folkloric, satirical, children etc. etc. There are also national, regional or local whichever elapses the geographical area where the action (such as stories or Andalusian Varela Pedro Antonio de Alarcón). From this point of view, which is no doubt that there are stories set in Madrid, where there is a literary city, and so I read with pleasure the selection of "Tales Madrileños ", prepared by José Montero Padilla and published in 2001, Editorial Castalia, Castalia Prima in his collection.

As its name suggests " Castalia Prima" is a collection aimed at promoting a love of books and reading in "first reader" (which is not the same as "Readers cousins, that is the value of the position of the adjective), which explains the abundance of footnotes page, a bright and insightful, others perhaps superfluous for more seasoned readers and, ultimately, the accompaniment of a guide reading repertoire of questions about the stories chosen to be used by students in schools.

Any selection or anthology usually wake up, usually as many agreements as protests. Why are some and not include others?. This, of course it depends on the discretion of the coach, in this case, a defined intellectual tastes of literary tradition and excellent knowledge of literature Modern and Contemporary English as José Montero Padilla of which we read with pleasure and the emotional evocations dedicated to Antonio Machado in Segovia or Madrid Galdós.

Of the sixteen "storytellers" from the seventeenth to the twentieth century included in this anthology, I'll do just some minor comments.

The oldest is the one entitled "Novel and sixth lesson: The runt " by Antonio Linan y Verdugo, a pseudonym adopted by the religious fray Alonso Remon Mercy contained in his book "Guide and Notice outsiders" published in 1620 (no edition of 1885 in English Classical Library, still found in old book fairs) and which goes to show that in all times had in Madrid "cheaters" and cousins \u200b\u200b(and I do not mean readers).

Isidoro Fernandez Florez "Fernanflor (1840-1902) is today a forgotten writer, who was a great journalist, director of" The Monday The Fair "and founder of the newspaper El Liberal " and elected school Language. I really liked the story " sauce snails" from his collection "Tales fast" (1886) 1 , the subject of manners and I take this description of the lovely florist, former girlfriend of the rapporteur:

"Fresh and rosy like a cherry, black hair beautiful bluish, eyes rioters, teeth white and small as rice grains, many intent on that glad to speak to the soul, thank you in those ways in which the hearing was carried across the street, a heart of gold and a thought of gauze, so easy one another to move with different emotions, which often put a tear by auction of a smile, and other lit, smiling, weeping, and this was Rose. "

The Tale " By tram, Dona Emilia Pardo Bazán is truly dramatic. Indeed, questions directed to specialists in the life and work of the eminent writer Galicia, was the Countess of Pardo Bazán as class as they assume these lines? "Misery tout accepts with resignation the English people happy, until recently foreign to socialist demands. Poverty is the sign of the poor, nothing leads protest "or it is just a fiction that does not express the real thoughts of the author .

"The aspirants " Azorin allows us to retrieve a word of these who like to Editors of "Pasapalabra." " pyre Go" means " spend a few hours (or days or weeks) to a more or less overt flirtation or noisy." DRAE aspirant says is synonymous with " golfante, scoundrel, rascal ." According Azorín are " beings in full industrial, industrial, literary, journalistic, political, their fellow citizens and they live in to live outside all social links, horros all ethical and aesthetic convention, free as birds, unrelated none with banks, vouchers, rent and land, rural or urban ...". Just to enjoy the sleek and chiseled prose azoriniana and worth reading this very short story from "sentimental Madrid" (1918). More air

reporting and social commentary has mitigated the story " The taste of misery " from " Love and death (chapters of the novel)," Manuel Machado , published in 1917 and traditionalism in a state pure is what traspira " one as there are many " Jose Montero Iglesias (1876-1920), grandfather of the compiler and author of the presentation José Montero Padilla, published in The Sphere on August 25, 1917

There follow two stories that could be included in fantasy literature: "The old house " Emilio Carrere and wonderful " The pink lady," he remembered having read a really disturbing story of the famous chronicler Madrid whose end point lies in the church of San José.

A finding is the story of so many unknown Emiliano Ramirez Angel entitled " The man who spends his life in the Puerta del Sol " from "The Picturesque Town and Court, of a predominantly local customs, published in 1924 and awarded by the Royal English Academy. The Angel Ramirez Toledo (1843-1928), writer and journalist, was a friend of Perez Galdos, Vitorio Macho, Gomez de la Serna and other outstanding, and author of over fifty titles from short stories, plays, biographies, poetry and stories.

Metaphor and canine is the story of the novelist and chronicler of Madrid, Tomás Borrás "'s dog work" of "Almost truth, lie almost " (1935), and unmistakable his style, but not come reflected the author's name, "Ninety minutes in the back room. Chronicle of a football match racks " of our Nobel Laureate Camilo Jose Cela he had read in Volume 6" Coffee artists and other tales "popular collection of RTV.

autobiographical and nostalgic is "Sunday Morning " the dapper writer Alonso Zamora Vicente (1916-2006), permanent secretary of the English Royal Academy since 1971 and ironic and tender, while " The Host" from Leon recently died of Antonio Pereira Gonzalez, a great storyteller who starred in the movie "The filandón " (1984) along with other writers as Leon José María Merino scholar whose story "sign and message " enigmatic and mysterious, as well as almost all his family, is also included in this anthology

We left for the final two tales of marriage Aldecoa, Ignacio and Joseph, the week of the death of the latter. "The apprentice conductor " Ignacio Aldecoa is a story round, alongside comedian and tender, which gives pleasure to read again and again. The intimate and melancholy story of Josefina Aldecoa " Madrid, Fall, Saturday ", is impregnated with a tender lyricism that makes close to recognizable characters as part of a generation that many of your readers belong. Read it slowly, as he mutters a prayer, is the best tribute we can pay to the teacher and writer missing.

© Manuel Martínez Bargueño
March, 2011

If you have interested in this entry and want to ask, comment or contribute something about it can leave a comment or write to my email manuelblas222@gmail.com with confidence be promptly addressed.

Spread among your friends this blog.



1. Can be found online at ABC Newspaper of July 24, 1955 http://hemeroteca.abc.es/

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Flu Going Around Mesa Az

FINALLY stopped raining

I'm in the studio, I just finished a job, and I prepare to leave for the track, I have more than fifteen minutes.
It occurred to me that I could write something, but I can not shake your head all the news that dominate the front pages of newspapers these days. This is something that has to do with athletics, but with humans. The world is crazy, or perhaps better to say insane. The world is deranged, and have unhinged us ... Haiti, Japan, New Orleans, etc ... I remember a few years ago the number of hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis were also news ... but now eclipses the previous news, their frequency has increased ... I start to get tired of hearing that this snowfall was the biggest for 50 years, or that the flood has reached levels that no one remembers, it had not rained many days in a row from no where ... Well, maybe I have been guided, but I hate that feeling that we are ruining the best we have. Maybe Agent Smith was right Perhaps humanity is just a virus and the planet is only reacting as you would any living being.

The sun illuminates the entrance to the study. News, we have sun. Take raining five consecutive days, anything you have to get used and that brings out my nerves. I do not like altering the planning for these reasons, but I had to do it day after day throughout the week ...

The group has clear, well trained.
Now I'm going, that we train, and today it is a day to enjoy training, but either virus status.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Example Of Tv Show Proposals

end points, and followed

Today we're in that limbo of hangover that occurs each season at the end of the indoor. Just finished and almost no time to evaluate the success indoors, you are immersed in the settings, planning and development of the outdoor season.
Back, as always, we met other goals to accomplish. Great
small goals and results. Months of work, personal bests, medals, tournaments, training sessions, discussions, praise, pats on the back, ranting, euphoria, delays, experiences, premieres, hosted ... But this sport is. Today you personal brand, reach a goal that has been working for months, and you're thinking about the next step.
However, I think this indoor season deserves a break. Catalan Athletics crosses a line, long overdue. There is a before and after. Finally Catalonia has an indoor track truly a race track where the highest level.
The Indoor Sabadell is a gem for athletics. The light coming through those huge windows, the Ripoll river environment, excellent synthetic full tier ... At a time when advertised budget cuts that will shake everything that has been built in our sport in recent years.

At least we have this gem to encourage us to continue working.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Pregnant But My Cervix Is Hard


Valencia's championship indoor track this year has been great.

The results have been spectacular. Felix Augustine, Champion of Spain again, adds three titles (2 indoor and 1 outdoor), plus brushing her indoor personal best. Imanol Cardona, fourth Salvador Gonzalez and eighth, both personal brand.

Try test:
Agus: 5,748 points. In 60 7 "25 MT, 7.28 MT in length, weight Indoor MP 14.06 and the first time through the 14.00 from coaching in the group, height 2.05 MT, 60v. 8 "53 (this was without doubt our black test this year, has coached getting a faster pace than ever, yet we have failed in the mailing of the fence, having no earned run) 5.00 MT We have finally managed to overcome the barrier of five meters long ago we saw that he could get back on top, but we had not been trained, the next goal is to improve those whose 5.10 mark. And to end the thousand in 2'53 "86 MT, and the best 1,000 that has run since being in the group.
best, without doubt, the security has been demonstrated at all times, even though our friend canary Joany Jordan squeezed everything he could during the two days.
Imanol: 4,948 points. In 60 7 "25 MP, 6.38 in length, the work begins to bear fruit Quim, 13.80 weight, height 1.84, 8.96 billboards, pole vault MP 3.90, and 1.000m 2'50 "49.
best, certainly the Pole. Only a few months ago we gave up for lost this test, and in Valencia, not only jumped well but was able to change during the pole vault competition, grabbing a pole harder without having played before. Excellent news that opens the way to achieve further progress. Salva: 4,696 points. In 60 7 "52, 5.92 length puncture, weight 12.12, Height 1.81 MT, on billboards 8.86, MP 4.00 in the pole vault again, and 1.000m 2'48" 89 MP.
best: That making a bad test combined with some Salva has improved his personal best in the combined, allowing you to see it has much room for improvement.
However, if I enjoyed the championship has been for the athletes, everyone who participated, gave us a show of competitiveness at the same time a lesson in friendship difficult to see among athletes competing, but is ... The combination is another story.
Besides the three decathletes, Valencia had to Dori reunited with a championship in Spain in a season in which different situations have prevented him from being able to train well, and almost doubted the assistance to the championship. In his semifinal went well, went bravely but lacked forces that we knew that we had ... however, that has to change outdoors.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Most Heat Absorbent Material

Training Course School of Pardons and Reconcilaicion-WAIT


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Upper East Side Coin Op Second Ave

II International Consultation of National Coordinators of the Schools of Forgiveness and Reconciliation -ES.PE.RE. Marian dimension

Manifesto of existence and purpose of the International Red

The International Network of Schools of Forgiveness and Reconciliation-ES . PE.RE. - is a dream become a reality that exists in the geography of America. We are thousands of people linked by the spirit of brotherhood, which is expressed differently in the plurality of black culture, Mestizo, native, mulatto, white, American and universal. Acknowledge a deep ecumenism in our ideals expressed in this composition multiethnic and multicultural nature of the Web In this respect, we are disciples of Jesus and He enlightens and empowers us his Gospel and his presence among us.

From Canada to the Southern Cone are an expression of firm resolve to take up four years ago in America a network of people working to promote the pedagogy of forgiveness and reconciliation articulated these proposals by the emphasis that we care ethics and social / emotional and political education. We believe that life in the context of today's world, it requires maximum care against the risks in the contemporary world are frail and vulnerable. We decided to join forces to work on the preservation of life taking care of the restoration of the wounds and unpleasant memory that discrimination ideological, economic, cultural, political, religious, gender and social causes in our towns. Decided to get together to seek care fractured relations in the family, the family, among friends, in creation. We partnered to promote the strength of ties and to restore the vitality of human interaction.
is our commitment to develop a Agenda of the Americas for Reconciliation. " To make our work go to the neighborhood, educational institutions, business organizations, religious groups, ethnic communities, the nation, to jail. In all places where wounds restore and promote reconciliation possible.

grow our badges to non-violent resolution of conflicts large and small forums that encourage community life. We will go to the Organization of American States (OAS), United Nations Organization (UNO) and large public and private corporations decide channels through which life must take in our continent. We will articulate all types of organizations related to our principles and purposes of a claim to human rights compliance in each of the scenarios in which we participate as an expression of reconciliation and nonviolence.
We will mobilize to greet with applause the good practices of solidarity and equity.
Similarly, we in the street, in Congress, outside the embassy, \u200b\u200bdenouncing the acts that deny and restrict the expression worthy of the people, in public and private settings.

In the spectrum of political demonstrations in our continent, we declare ourselves citizens of the world, respectful of the power that political parties have come to the alternation of democratic governance. Present to each local government and national agendas we meet for reconciliation and cooperation agreements with them, without
ideological compromise our independence. Also propose legislative agendas to promote the construction of policy areas that will promote growth and sustainability of proposals such as ours.
will cultivate the preservation of memory and we can articulate to all those events in our environment, preserve the cultural heritage of the memory of peace.
Gathered in this Second International Consultation held in Bogotá, Colombia, and the America of our dreams, we invite our brothers and sisters to strengthen this initiative with the daily demonstration of our principles. Initiative that was no longer thought to be consolidated in a robust body of projects and in a vast field of convergence for those who work for peace and the art of living in the aesthetics of the fraternity.

Bogotá, Colombia, February 27, 2011.

Cost Of Red Label In Hyderabad

Madrid Student Residence

In 1910, by Royal Decree of 6 May, created the Residencia de Estudiantes, without doubt, until 1936, " the first cultural center of Spain and one of the most lively and fruitful experience of creation, dissemination and exchange of scientific and artistic heritage of Europe wars " 1 . To celebrate its centenary, the Residence being developed throughout 2010 and 2011 an extensive program of exhibitions, publications, concerts, conferences and other events through which it is intended to show what has been the legacy of this cultural and scientific this institution today. Other institutions, in collaboration with the Residencia de Estudiantes as the State Society for Cultural Commemorations and the Fundación "la Caixa" had become acts of the centenary of this magical and mythical temple of our civic culture.

One of these initiatives, more or less coordinated with the commemoration of the anniversary, but at least matching the dates, is the exhibition entitled " The Library of the Former Residence of Students at the University Complutense funds Colegio Mayor Ximénez de Cisneros "organized by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, whose inauguration I had the pleasure of attending last March 3 at the headquarters of the Historical Library" Marqués de Valdecilla "Novitiate street, 3.

On the prospect of exposure I learn that in 1943 moved to the Colegio Mayor Ximénez de Cisneros, University of Madrid, Ciudad Universitaria, " the library closed and other items of Student Residence in Pinar Street ". Looks like the "factotum" of it was Pedro Lain Entralgo (1908-2001), a former boarder of the Board of Advanced Studies in 1940 and director of physical and intellectual ruins of the Residencia de Estudiantes (then called Private Ximenes) . Ignored were the books from the library of the residence, gathering dust and cobwebs, until Now, fifty years later, the Complutense University has rescued and cataloged. They are, says the director of the Colegio Mayor Ximénez de Cisneros, José Luis González Llavona some 1,000 cataloged specimens and about 170 the exposed. Time, neglect, the "tremendous neglect" and little control over these funds has made their number has diminished greatly due to destruction or "carelessness", so that the magnificent library which should have residence is not probably , more than one tenth.

Those who are recognized because they bear the seal of the Estate (or English or English Committee of the Society Courses and Conferences), ex libris, signing sessions. These include books by authors as diverse as Kant, Azorín, Alfonso Reyes, John M. Keynes, HG Wells, Adolfo Posada, Julio Rey Pastor, Ruben Dario, Lenin, Gomez de la Serna, Gabriel Miró, Cesare Lombroso, Concepción Arenal and many more. Are the wreck, carrying battered by time and by history, some very tired, you can browse in the ten sections in which the exhibition has been divided, according to their subject. Other displays are devoted to the actual operation of the library, forms of acquisition of books, purchase, exchange, bequests, etc., binding institutional and about books and reading.

I have heard that the Halls of Teresa of Jesus there are five thousand books from the Residence for Women, waiting to be cataloged .

After visiting the exhibition and recognizing the good work done by the Universidad Complutense, I can not but think that the site of these books is in the Library (or Documentation Centre) of the Residencia de Estudiantes, which These books were taken and where, I think, should return, in a gesture to honor academic university to save them. ©

Manuel Martínez Bargueño

March, 2011

If you have interested in this entry and want to ask, comment or contribute something about it, you can leave a comment or write to my email manuelblas222@gmail.com with confidence be promptly addressed.

Spread among your friends this blog.

Thanks. Manuelblas .


1. Carlos Abella. "Dali, Lorca and the Residencia de Estudiantes. Obra Social Fundación "la Caixa" 2010.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Width Of Scarf Fleece


A further contribution of elements to consider in education in our schools.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/22518410/Documento% 20Final% 20of% 20the% 20dimension% 20mariana% 20in% 20the% 20pedagogia% 20allamaniana.docx

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wicked Actor Salaries



The first chapter of the book of Exodus begins by saying: These are the names of the Israelites who came to Egypt with Jacob, each with his family, Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Benjamin, Dan, Naphtali, Gad and Asher. (Ex. 1, 1-4).

As if it were a history going back to run but in other contexts, we see in the history of black people, a situation quite similar and we can help you find it a story of faith framed a permanent manifestation of God among a people who have gone through the "tough and mature" in their struggle to achieve the much longed for dignity as sons and daughters of God.
The General Assembly of the United Nations at its 64 session held in 2011 adopted the International Year of African descent in order to strengthen the national and regional and international cooperation for the benefit of African descent in relation to the full enjoyment their economic, cultural, social, civil, and political participation and inclusion in all spheres of society and promoting greater respect and understanding of the diversity, heritage and culture.
As usual, it is hoped that this past year in through forums, conferences, summits, surveys, festivals, tributes, statements, and spiritual and cultural manifestations of these peoples, both for their own benefit as well as risking their hands out of struggles they have been doing bighorn style from small micro-resistance seen from the base.
The Pastoral Afrocaleña, besides to invite all actors to participate actively in all efforts conducive to this year, wants to provoke a reflection of evangelization that enables people of African descent the same as the entire population of the archdiocese to seek to read from the faith that African history has been in our country. So we realize we have a journey of faith to offer the rest of humanity. Only through faith can we have pride in African Exodus finding the hand of God in the suffering, the atrocities and all that without God would have been the end of an entire population that remains strong in contexts where they initially arrived in conditions slaves.
As some families came to Egypt with Jacob; Latin America came the following African ethnic groups: Carabali, Lucumi, the Mandinka, the Ocora, the Possús, the Minas, the Groves, the Quiñones, etc anglers.
While the Israelites were in Egypt for reasons of calamity, the arrival of Joseph who then welcomed there was very similar to those of African descent. The brothers sold him to forcibly Ishmaelites for twenty shekels (Genesis 37). Africans were looted, uprooted from their lands by the English to Colombia and were brought under strength never to return to their land. Others were sold in exchange for brightly colored fabrics, glass, bottle of rum, powder, etc..
Slowly, like the Israelites in Egypt, of African descent were growing. So the Egyptians (English ) put foremen in charge of submitting to the Israelites (black ) to work very hard. I did build the cities of Python and Ramses ( Cartagena, Barranquilla, Santamarta canal levee etc. ), that Pharaoh king of Egypt, used to store supplies. But the more the abused, further increased (Ex. 1, 11 - 12).
According to statistics from the Inter-American Development Bank on the black population (2004) and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean total population (2005), Afro-descendants in Latin America and the Caribbean are the following percentages of the national population, Bajamar (69.0%), Belize (40.5%), Bolivia (1.6%), Brazil (28.3%), Colombia (16.3%), Costa Rica (1.5%), Cuba (54.7%), Ecuador (8.7%), Guyana (43.4%), Haiti (74.2%), Honduras (4.0%), Jamaica (88.5%), Mexico (0.5%), Nicaragua (10.2%), Panama (56.9%), Paraguay (2.7%), Peru (8.0%), Dominican Republic (68.3%), Surinam ( 33.4%), Trinidad and Tobago (39.0%), Uruguay (4.9%), Venezuela (8.0%). In short it is estimated that 590 million latinamareicanos and the Caribbean, 150 million are African.
More than 500 years after this painful experience, there are today, men and women who are still healing the wounds of having been uprooted from their territories, either is for slavery, violence, murder of loved ones etc. Aware of the suffering as they should have been enslaved Africans in Colombia and Latin America, we raise our cry to the Lord in communion with them pray with Psalm 69.
"Save me, O God, because I'm about to drown, I'm drowning in a swamp where deep and I have no foot support. I reached the depths of water and engulf me. I'm hoarse from screaming, my throat hurts, my eyes are tired of waiting for my God. "
To fully understand and experience what it claims to the International Year of African descent, it is essential to revisit the issue of trafficking in slaves. Just as the book of Exodus is really before even though Genesis Genesis is the first name that is displayed in the Bible. Likewise, the historical memory must be addressed before addressing the issue of the rights of African descent. The reason why Genesis Exodus is before is because Israel would never have been interested in the message of the first book of the Bible if God had redeemed them before slavery in Egypt and have made a covenant with them. The same thing happens to us as people of African descent, our word is no good sons and daughters of God if we fail to perceive the hand of God in historical events that may have been unpleasant.
Fr. Mwangi Venanzio Munyiri IMC.
Delegate Archdiocesan
Pastoral Afro-Colombian, Cali.
February 22, 2011.

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This paper was prepared by the Missionary College Consolata of Bogota, is the result of several meetings of Pedagogy Allamniana we were doing on the continent. We continue to share and contribute to the reflection. See the link

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12476065/El% 20Beato% 20J.% 20Allamano% 20of% 20the% 20misi% C3% B3n% 20% 28definit.% 29.doc