Sunday, March 6, 2011

Upper East Side Coin Op Second Ave

II International Consultation of National Coordinators of the Schools of Forgiveness and Reconciliation -ES.PE.RE. Marian dimension

Manifesto of existence and purpose of the International Red

The International Network of Schools of Forgiveness and Reconciliation-ES . PE.RE. - is a dream become a reality that exists in the geography of America. We are thousands of people linked by the spirit of brotherhood, which is expressed differently in the plurality of black culture, Mestizo, native, mulatto, white, American and universal. Acknowledge a deep ecumenism in our ideals expressed in this composition multiethnic and multicultural nature of the Web In this respect, we are disciples of Jesus and He enlightens and empowers us his Gospel and his presence among us.

From Canada to the Southern Cone are an expression of firm resolve to take up four years ago in America a network of people working to promote the pedagogy of forgiveness and reconciliation articulated these proposals by the emphasis that we care ethics and social / emotional and political education. We believe that life in the context of today's world, it requires maximum care against the risks in the contemporary world are frail and vulnerable. We decided to join forces to work on the preservation of life taking care of the restoration of the wounds and unpleasant memory that discrimination ideological, economic, cultural, political, religious, gender and social causes in our towns. Decided to get together to seek care fractured relations in the family, the family, among friends, in creation. We partnered to promote the strength of ties and to restore the vitality of human interaction.
is our commitment to develop a Agenda of the Americas for Reconciliation. " To make our work go to the neighborhood, educational institutions, business organizations, religious groups, ethnic communities, the nation, to jail. In all places where wounds restore and promote reconciliation possible.

grow our badges to non-violent resolution of conflicts large and small forums that encourage community life. We will go to the Organization of American States (OAS), United Nations Organization (UNO) and large public and private corporations decide channels through which life must take in our continent. We will articulate all types of organizations related to our principles and purposes of a claim to human rights compliance in each of the scenarios in which we participate as an expression of reconciliation and nonviolence.
We will mobilize to greet with applause the good practices of solidarity and equity.
Similarly, we in the street, in Congress, outside the embassy, \u200b\u200bdenouncing the acts that deny and restrict the expression worthy of the people, in public and private settings.

In the spectrum of political demonstrations in our continent, we declare ourselves citizens of the world, respectful of the power that political parties have come to the alternation of democratic governance. Present to each local government and national agendas we meet for reconciliation and cooperation agreements with them, without
ideological compromise our independence. Also propose legislative agendas to promote the construction of policy areas that will promote growth and sustainability of proposals such as ours.
will cultivate the preservation of memory and we can articulate to all those events in our environment, preserve the cultural heritage of the memory of peace.
Gathered in this Second International Consultation held in Bogotá, Colombia, and the America of our dreams, we invite our brothers and sisters to strengthen this initiative with the daily demonstration of our principles. Initiative that was no longer thought to be consolidated in a robust body of projects and in a vast field of convergence for those who work for peace and the art of living in the aesthetics of the fraternity.

Bogotá, Colombia, February 27, 2011.


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