Tuesday, March 29, 2011

How To Tie Your Bandana For Snowboarding

Square Remodeling Isabel II (Opera)

The chronicles the current Madrid Plaza de Isabel II (before Peral) was until the nineteenth century a ravine where they were going to stop the water from below the Plaza Mayor and supplying the consumption, through pipes, to the bathroom (a few years ago there was bathing establishments in the vicinity) and irrigation of the gardens of the Queen and of the Prioress who were where the Plaza de Oriente.

Famous Peral, also called Arrabal sources were in the square, right, as is the Calle del Arenal, about the same height, a little ahead of where today stands the Cine Teatro Real Cinema. These pipes were formed, after the reform of 1625, by a large granite basin and had six or seven tubes, separated from the stream that crossed what is now a large square parapet. Next were the washing of the town that consisted of fifty-seven cells and it was very crowded.

From the reign of Joseph I, "King squares, all the area was buried and until this has been because of the refurbishment of the Plaza de Isabel II and the Opera metro station appeared the remains of the ancient source of Peral and the City and the Community Madrid, acting jointly and with good reason, has decided that they enjoy locals and foreigners, creating a museum for contemplation within the platform of the subway station. The preparation of these archaeological remains, with an exhibition area of \u200b\u200b200 m2 has cost 22.1 million euros funded 50% by both administrations.

officially opened the works a few days ago, I turned to them on this Sunday morning, taking advantage of what today is rife due to the change to daylight saving time .

facilities, parts supply, water supply, sewerage museum artifacts by the architect Vicente Alberto Telleria-Paton and are magnificent, after restoration carried out by an archaeological team led by Eduardo Penedo and very well done the audisovisual " filmed by a director of the saga of the Trueba " 1 which can be seen sitting in the stands ready to effect. They are also very illustrative panels and report findings on each of the monumental risk. The source for the Peral is a section of the Ordinances of Urban and Rural Police of the City of Madrid and its surroundings, from 1847 which states that " The water carriers fill their tanks when they touch time, without giving rise to disputes and strife, in understanding that each turn is equivalent to a journey of either a large pitcher, and two medium and four cargo called. " More beautiful and can not write clearly.

On leaving me with the rejuvenated meeting place that gives me a strange feeling of emptiness which contributes to the hardness of the pavement and the lack of any landscaping, except for a still scrawny little trees that will shade the coming summer months. On one side, the place where he could be the original, has placed a replica of a pylon of the source, alluding to a legend, which goes almost unnoticed compared to the newsstand behind. Banks, English garden style, seem comfortable and I miss the fountain.

What looks good, projected onto the bottom of the front of the Teatro Real, where, in my opinion, on the posters, is the statue of Queen Elizabeth II, a replica of the one placed in 1850 by sculptor Joseph Valencia Piquer and Duart (1806-1871). In fact, this monument, the original, was funded by Manuel Lopez Santaella, commissioner general of the Crusade 2 , " whom the Count of San Luis persuaded to imitate something his predecessor Fernandez Varela, who paid for the statue de Cervantes ". What happened is that the inauguration of the monument, which cost 5,000 hard, did not have the brilliance of the former, it did not even attend the session. The locals of the time were suspended and fun when the next morning could read attached to the pedestal of the Statue of frivolous tabloid queen this holiday:

"Santaella, Isabel / financed the statue fair / and ordinary faithful echo / Santo says it is not him /

Santa nor her. "

The bracket and the character deserve an explanation. General Commissariat of the Holy Cross, was a 3 body that obtained by papal grant, substantial revenue from the sale of products of the Crusade (the bulls), and was abolished by royal decree of April 6, 1851, and its income applied by the State to the provision of worship and clergy . The then Commissioner, Father Lopez Santaella, was accused of extravagance and the Court of Auditors has demanded accountability. To justify Mr. Santaella published in 1859 a report on the administration of the Commissioner General of Crusade can be read on the internet (google eBook). The present statue of the Queen was built in 1944, as the former was destroyed in 1931, after the proclamation of the Republic, leaving only standing the pedestal. Fortunately could be a new cast in bronze, in the workshops of the brothers Codina, using a double marble then kept in the Museum of Modern Art 4 .

© Manuel Martínez Bargueño

March, 2011

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Thanks. Manuelblas


1. El País, March 24, 2011.

2. " The Commissioner General cross understands without limitation in the management, governmental and economic bunch of bulls and pardons quadragesimal. Another charge passes to give thanks apostolic pardons, revision and correctness of the books "I pray God" and other orders "(Ramon de Mesonero Romans." Manual Madrid. Description of the Court and the Villa ". Madrid, 1831, pçag. 98-99). Their offices were in the square of the Count of Barajas in the house called Fernan Nuñez.

3. Pedro de repid. " The streets of Madrid." A. Aguado S Afrodisio Fourth edition. April 1981, pg. 325.

4. Jose Maria Sanz García . "Madrid is well . Graphic representation of the Town and Court. I. hundred street Monuments . "Commercial Service Book 1955. Photo and text No. 61.


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