Monday, March 14, 2011

Example Of Tv Show Proposals

end points, and followed

Today we're in that limbo of hangover that occurs each season at the end of the indoor. Just finished and almost no time to evaluate the success indoors, you are immersed in the settings, planning and development of the outdoor season.
Back, as always, we met other goals to accomplish. Great
small goals and results. Months of work, personal bests, medals, tournaments, training sessions, discussions, praise, pats on the back, ranting, euphoria, delays, experiences, premieres, hosted ... But this sport is. Today you personal brand, reach a goal that has been working for months, and you're thinking about the next step.
However, I think this indoor season deserves a break. Catalan Athletics crosses a line, long overdue. There is a before and after. Finally Catalonia has an indoor track truly a race track where the highest level.
The Indoor Sabadell is a gem for athletics. The light coming through those huge windows, the Ripoll river environment, excellent synthetic full tier ... At a time when advertised budget cuts that will shake everything that has been built in our sport in recent years.

At least we have this gem to encourage us to continue working.


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