Sunday, March 6, 2011

Cost Of Red Label In Hyderabad

Madrid Student Residence

In 1910, by Royal Decree of 6 May, created the Residencia de Estudiantes, without doubt, until 1936, " the first cultural center of Spain and one of the most lively and fruitful experience of creation, dissemination and exchange of scientific and artistic heritage of Europe wars " 1 . To celebrate its centenary, the Residence being developed throughout 2010 and 2011 an extensive program of exhibitions, publications, concerts, conferences and other events through which it is intended to show what has been the legacy of this cultural and scientific this institution today. Other institutions, in collaboration with the Residencia de Estudiantes as the State Society for Cultural Commemorations and the Fundación "la Caixa" had become acts of the centenary of this magical and mythical temple of our civic culture.

One of these initiatives, more or less coordinated with the commemoration of the anniversary, but at least matching the dates, is the exhibition entitled " The Library of the Former Residence of Students at the University Complutense funds Colegio Mayor Ximénez de Cisneros "organized by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, whose inauguration I had the pleasure of attending last March 3 at the headquarters of the Historical Library" Marqués de Valdecilla "Novitiate street, 3.

On the prospect of exposure I learn that in 1943 moved to the Colegio Mayor Ximénez de Cisneros, University of Madrid, Ciudad Universitaria, " the library closed and other items of Student Residence in Pinar Street ". Looks like the "factotum" of it was Pedro Lain Entralgo (1908-2001), a former boarder of the Board of Advanced Studies in 1940 and director of physical and intellectual ruins of the Residencia de Estudiantes (then called Private Ximenes) . Ignored were the books from the library of the residence, gathering dust and cobwebs, until Now, fifty years later, the Complutense University has rescued and cataloged. They are, says the director of the Colegio Mayor Ximénez de Cisneros, José Luis González Llavona some 1,000 cataloged specimens and about 170 the exposed. Time, neglect, the "tremendous neglect" and little control over these funds has made their number has diminished greatly due to destruction or "carelessness", so that the magnificent library which should have residence is not probably , more than one tenth.

Those who are recognized because they bear the seal of the Estate (or English or English Committee of the Society Courses and Conferences), ex libris, signing sessions. These include books by authors as diverse as Kant, Azorín, Alfonso Reyes, John M. Keynes, HG Wells, Adolfo Posada, Julio Rey Pastor, Ruben Dario, Lenin, Gomez de la Serna, Gabriel Miró, Cesare Lombroso, Concepción Arenal and many more. Are the wreck, carrying battered by time and by history, some very tired, you can browse in the ten sections in which the exhibition has been divided, according to their subject. Other displays are devoted to the actual operation of the library, forms of acquisition of books, purchase, exchange, bequests, etc., binding institutional and about books and reading.

I have heard that the Halls of Teresa of Jesus there are five thousand books from the Residence for Women, waiting to be cataloged .

After visiting the exhibition and recognizing the good work done by the Universidad Complutense, I can not but think that the site of these books is in the Library (or Documentation Centre) of the Residencia de Estudiantes, which These books were taken and where, I think, should return, in a gesture to honor academic university to save them. ©

Manuel Martínez Bargueño

March, 2011

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Thanks. Manuelblas .


1. Carlos Abella. "Dali, Lorca and the Residencia de Estudiantes. Obra Social Fundación "la Caixa" 2010.


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