Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Cleaning Yourself After Going To The Bathroom


Fathers, Sisters and Lay Missionaries, we come together again as one family in the charism and spirituality of Blessed Allamano, so be one in the Proclamation of the Good News.
This happens because of deal together and from the two Institutes and mc-imc-and the lmc of Buenos Aires, a new mission in a neighborhood of the suburbs of Buenos Aires, here in the town of Merlo "Barrio Parque del Sol."
This place is held the 1 st joint mission organized by the whole family Allamaniana Consolatina of all provinces is the charism in Argentina, in January 2010.
Then the result of that mission and the many missionaries who have gone through this neighborhood, now faces the joint project, for it was formed a tripartite team-mc, imc, lmc. This team is traveling a road to lifelong spiritual insight, seeing the availability, role and profile of the lmc , in our case, but most of all watching what is the way that God and we are marking Consolata.
So this mission is an important precedent in the charism of the Consolata, because all decisions and projections, they to be joint, through a single computer to be accompanied and encouraged by parents imc (three), Sisters mc (six) lmc (seven, but the entire community accompanied Merlo lmc). Also imc novices and seminarians, missions other sectors of the area.
and then together as one spiritual family, today we find this mission "ad gentes" of proclaiming Jesus Christ, to every heart poor and alienated from the project of love, comfort and salvation, with guide and our Blessed Mother Joseph Allamano Consolata.
We covet your prayers, for everyone, we have every day of our lives a little bit of divine wisdom, humility and a heart more open to the permanent love to continue spreading hope, that a better world is possible in God.

Mario Miranda, Argentina lmc


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